Noah's home, or something else?

Above the treeline away from insects but teh object of atleast 1700 years of searching.

Another thing, if it really was the last outpost of humanity, that would have to be at least 10,000 years ago to account for the diversity of languages in the world, most of them not being connected, probably a hell of a lot more for such massive diffirences between, say, Brazillian natives and the Japanese.
Who said anything about the last outpost of humanity? I don't believe in a great world-encompassing flood anymore than you. First, what I'm saying is that if an Ark was atop Mt. Ararat it would first off be spectacular in its own right.

Second, its significance to three world religions cannot be underestimated.

Third, it would add a new dimension to our knowledge of human history, mainly that civilization may very well have had many of its roots in the Black Sea Valley. This would re-write history, shifting beliefs about everything from migration patterns to language to the very foundations of Judeo-Christian religion. It would confirm the existence of the biblical flood, an event in the book of Genesis for pete's sake!

As for no one finding it yet, I can't dispute you, but most of it is reportedly buried under a glacier, a good place to keep it away from prying eyes. And sorry for springing new facts, but the story keeps coming back to me. Since the glacier has been melting (due to global warming, I love the irony) it is becoming visible.

Think about this event in the wider context.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Lord Inquisitor Baboonius said:
Ozrat, I thought you were an engineering student?
I'm 17 and I know most of this, you don't have to get a degree to know the basics of the Black Sea. Though to be honest, I'm a bit surprised as well Ozrat.
I am an engineering student. I just happen to be doing the Water/Environemental Civil Engineering & Society program. The "& Society" part is unique to McMaster University, which is still a full engineering courseload except that you take out a couple of engineering electives and add in an extra year to allow you to take courses to study how engineering affects society and to obtain a minor in almost any other subject if you feel up to the task. I'm doing my minor in Anthropology.

I can't really add more to the Black Sea discussion at the moment, but I'll come back to that sometime. I'm kinda under pressure with assignments at the moment.
Man Ozrat I am impressed.

Looks like I couldnt get here quickly enough...I saw two different documentaries, one of which about Atlantis really being an island in the meditteranean and one about the Ark being on Mount Ararat...too bad no one can confirm it. That would be great.

The Vault Dweller
I heard a few theories about the supposed civilization in Atlantis. The most believable one was that it designed the Cyclades civilization, which developed on the St Iren (Santorini) Island off the Western coast of Crete.

As an art student, I studied quite some history on that times, and I can say that the architecture, manufacturing and artistic methods on that island were much more advanced, compared to mainland Greece or the beginnings of the Minoan civilization in Crete.

That is, until the whole island blew up from a volcanic eruption.
Murdoch said:
And sorry for springing new facts, but the story keeps coming back to me. Since the glacier has been melting (due to global warming, I love the irony) it is becoming visible.

The problem with it being hidden in a glacier is that they aren't exaclty friendly to large objects.... The middle and top of a glacier moves faster than the bottom or sides. If this ship is really that old, it has had a lot of time to be torn apart by the glacier's movement. Of course, the glacier could be large enough that the section that this massive ship is held in wouldn't undergo as much shearing.
Murdoch said:
Apparently a large ship has been cited on the slopes of the mountain, and both aircraft and eyewitness accounts have been brought back. They describe a ship that matched the biblical dimensions of the Ark. The Turkish government has put the mountain off limits explorers however, perhaps because they do not want anyone to confirm (or deny) the stories?
Maybe it's not a sailing ship. Maybe it's a ... Dum! Dum! DUM! ... Alien space ship!
Do those Ancient Astronaut theories look any more plausible now guys?

Ozzy, isn't Erich von Däniken a proponent of those?

EDIT - Damnit! I could have answered my own question if I'd've just read the link you gave.

Don't mention Däniken.

I might go on a killing spree again if you do...
That man gave the human race a bad name.