I just hope she doesn't get butt cancer too. If she does I will offer my butt for a butt transplant.

I'm sure she'll be fine.
Woohoo! Crappy artists finally get what they deserve. Jackson's falling apart, and will probably end up in jail, and now this bitch's got cancer.

*wishes Britney Spears anus cancer*
You asshole! How can you wish cancer upon this:


*sniff* You're a monster, Wooz. :cry:
Jebus said:
Wait - famous people can get cancer too?

No, they just pretend to. It increases record sales.

I don't think Kyle-head is very attractive. She always looks a bit decripit to me. Feculent, perhaps
You can have cancer in such small breasts?!
Well maybe they start to grow, as the cancer maybe will. :lol:
Kharn said:
I don't think Kyle-head is very attractive. She always looks a bit decripit to me. Feculent, perhaps
Feculent? Why, you... Okay, so she's not that attractive in sense of being exceptionally beautiful. But damn, she's hot! As in red hot! Hotter than your Mum, actually. And a better lover, too.
I don't know if I agree with you Kharn, but that's definitely the funniest description I've read in a long time.
Wooz said:
Woohoo! Crappy artists finally get what they deserve. Jackson's falling apart, and will probably end up in jail, and now this bitch's got cancer.

*wishes Britney Spears anus cancer*

You're all terrible, terrible people. Wishing cancer on someone is not a light joke, like making fun of ratty's mom's sexual ability, which is quite lacking.

*insert cancer joke here*
Everyone knows that breast cancer is caused by excessive titty fucking -- so that little cold hearted slut got what she deserved.

Now she can be a rolemodel to all the bitches with breast cancer in the world, and sell more records.

Eventually she will die, of course. But that's another story.
Sucks for her.
Sucks just as much for all the other people who get breast cancer, though. Probably more, because methinks they'll have a harder time paying for the treatments.

Also, her breasts aren't all that good. Her butt's better.
I. Don't. Give. A. Damn. About. Her. Nor. Her. Music.

If Bono had cancer, that would be a tragedy. But crappy pop 'artists' do not concern me.
She's still one of the hottest female singers around though...

Well, not now anymore; with that rotten tit and all.
Mikael Grizzly said:
If Bono had cancer, that would be a tragedy. But crappy pop 'artists' do not concern me.

euhm, bono = crappy pop artist

so i really dont see your point