North Korea Has The Bomb?


Hold your horses...looks like the US may need to invade another nation...or get stuck in a standoff as they suddenly demand South Korea disarm.

Sincerely scared shitless,
The Vault Dweller
Um, were allready at a standoff with them.

A little something called the Kopream DMZ


Where in that article does it say it was a nuke ?

A massive conventional explosion ALSO produces a mushroom cloud.
Mushroom clouds are made by 3 things.

big shit falling from space

BIGASS conventional bombs

Something that big happening at the same time the Republicans were saying "we`re going to make the worls safer for you" wouldn`t look good, so forest fire will have to do, at least to the american administration :)

Seriously there`s not enough reliable info about what happened yet, but i`m rather curious...
Vault Dweller said:
Hold your horses...looks like the US may need to invade another nation.

Look, someone has nuclear weapons! Let's invade them!
PsychoSniper said:
Mushroom clouds are made by 3 things.

big shit falling from space

BIGASS conventional bombs


Volcanis eruptions. (I believe there is a volcano in the area)

and I have heard, as nutty as it sounds, that forest fires with the right atmospheric conditions can cause white smokey mushroom clouds, however that would call into question the crater.

Also there are conflicting reports on the shape and style of the cloud. Satellite imagery can't tell very well whether it is a mushroom cloud. At least one news agency is saying peculiar-shaped cloud rather than mushroom.
Powell can suck my big fat dick.

A mushroom cloud, 4-kilo diameter - what else could it be but a nuclear blast? You´d need an insane amount of conventional explosives for that sort of bang, it would make no sense.

I think the most obvious answer is the right one in this case.
mad said:
Powell can suck my big fat dick.

A mushroom cloud, 4-kilo diameter - what else could it be but a nuclear blast? You´d need an insane amount of conventional explosives for that sort of bang, it would make no sense.

I think the most obvious answer is the right one in this case.

Think some more. North Korea is a densely populated country. Do you really think they would do a nuclear test detonation above ground, with all the fallout that comes with that, while at the same time screaming to the world "We are testing nukes!"?

A much more likely scenario (which might already have happened) is NK outsourcing a subterrean nuclear test to Pakistan.
You don´t think they care if a couple of thousand of their citizens die, do you..? And if the conditions are right, wind will take a lot of the radioactive dust out to the sea . .
Wooz69 said:
Vault Dweller said:
Hold your horses...looks like the US may need to invade another nation.

Look, someone has nuclear weapons! Let's invade them!

Dude, that's just ignorant. You don't really want to see NYC as a big, smoldering heap of 8 million dead, do you?
I remember hearing that when the Chinese were making their hydrogen, or maybe it was the atomic bomb, they had a big oops, and the weapon went off wiping out much of their team. Could be something similar in N.Korea.

But I doubt the Koreans will be very forthcoming about it. If I was in South Korea, time to buy a geiger counter and start digging fallout shelters.

And while the North Koreans develop their nuclear arsenal, some poor private is telling his sergeant in Iraq, "Sarge, they just aren't any damn weapons of mass destruction here."

So North Korea gets the bomb, and we invade a country that doesn't have it, and this is an international success according to dubbaya?
mad said:
You don´t think they care if a couple of thousand of their citizens die, do you..? And if the conditions are right, wind will take a lot of the radioactive dust out to the sea . .

They might very well be worried if the wind takes it over to china. *very* worried.

They also have missile bases in that area, more than enough to cause that sort of explosion

Current evidence, not just press statements. points to it not being a nuclear bomb.

If you want you can even go pick up the seismic graphs of that time.

The most obvious answer seems to be ordinance explosion and you're right it could very well be the right one in this case.
CCR said:
Dude, that's just ignorant. You don't really want to see NYC as a big, smoldering heap of 8 million dead, do you?

We-ell, that may just happen if you happen to invade the country.

And no, I don't.
And they CAN'T nuke anywhere in the US besides Haiwaii or Alaska. And they could have they're Haiwaii all they want. I'd actually encourage them.

Dude, the North Koreans are terminal crazies ala Mad Max. Only thing that government has a right to is be at the receiving end of a couple dozen smart bombs.