So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Sure, it's better to just cynically accept everything as it is and continue circling the drain of the liberal historical cycle, constantly repeating massacre after massacre as the franchise of the "free" constantly expands and contracts. These anticommunist platitudes are as stale as a box of instamash. Right now China is the world's foremost burgeoning capitalist power because they're Marxist, while Europe and the United States continue trying to sit on old arrangements made during the Cold War for sucking up the material wealth of the Global South. We've recreated the wars of the 20th century in Ukraine and Gaza for the same reasons that the world wars were fought a century ago.
Whether it's through resource shortages, ecological disaster, imperial rivalries, or petty nationalist grudges, we're still well on the way to apocalypse. We learned nothing from the failures of modernity.
Whether it's through resource shortages, ecological disaster, imperial rivalries, or petty nationalist grudges, we're still well on the way to apocalypse. We learned nothing from the failures of modernity.