interviews character artist

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
One of those rare "not Pete or Todd" interviews, interviews character artist Dane Olds.<blockquote>That sounds like a lot to look forward to though. What was the inspiration for character art in Fallout 3?

A lot of the inspiration for the character art in Fallout 3 came from the original games. We drew heavily from those Retro-Future roots and you’ll see that throughout the character art in the game. With the weapons we always referenced the old art from Fallout. Sometimes the weapons are very close to the originals, other times they’ve been overhauled to fit specifically to the game we’ve created. A good example of this would be the Flamer. It’s functional, and is inspired by the real flame throwers used in World-War II. We take the real military designs, and then see where we can make them more interesting, what we can embellish on, and what we might need to remove. When the modeling and texturing is done we have to have something that is visually interesting and functional. Another great example is the ever-popular Power Fist. The original Power Fist was kind of an electric gauntlet. The new one has a pneumatic piston mounted on a thick steel framework that looks like an engine block. This weapon visually feels like it packs a punch, and it certainly does in the game.

Aww yeah I bet. Speaking of which, what are you most proud of on Fallout 3 so far?

I’m really proud of the game as a whole. I’ve put countless hours into it already and there’s always something fun to do and a new place to explore. It’s the combined effort of the whole team that has gelled to form a game that is a blast to experience.

Personally I have a couple of favorite individual weapons I created which I probably like the most. The Power Fist really was a challenge to create. It had to act like a piece of armor that could be worn like a glove. The fingers had to articulate and the pneumatic piston had to function the way the player would expect. Creating a model that could actually animate believably and would still look cool was a pretty daunting task. I think the results speak for themselves though, a lot of people think it looks really cool and in game it really is a blast to use.

The other weapon I really like is the Flamer. I’m just happy with the way it turned out in the game. It looks great, fits right in the world and is a lot of fun to take to the battle field.</blockquote>Spotted on Blue's News.
Wow, he mentioned the same two weapons twice. I found it amusing that he says that they drew inspiration from the original games for the artwork and even carried some over and yet both of his examples are of items that they carried over and that are based on things other than Fallout.
Brother None said:
A good example of this would be the Flamer.

I totaly do not like the new flamer. It looks ugly in my eyes. I want the old one back. I want all old weapondesigns back.
Lexx said:
Brother None said:
A good example of this would be the Flamer.

I totaly do not like the new flamer. It looks ugly in my eyes. I want the old one back. I want all old weapondesigns back.

"This is MY dream, MY wish, and I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back."

Just Kidding.

I would like to have the original designs back, but I must admit that I think the Powefist is pretty cool even though it's completely different from the original.

I think that the game design is a lot more "steampunkish" than the orignal Fallout, but I like a lot of what I see from an easthetic perspective. I'd be willing to forgive much of the mistakes in design if they get the tone of the story right.
I like the new flamer. It always bothered me that the flamer in the original didn't have a backpack or anything on it, yet you had these canisters of fuel...
I like some of the news ones, while some of them are meh. Doesn't bother me if some don't look like the originals, not at all.
thefalloutfan said:
Doesn't bother me if some don't look like the originals, not at all.

Me neither. The flamer looks more functional and that's fine by me, it's not like the original flamer had a very memorable look.

But it does bother me when they get pointlessly replaced for a more steampunkish look. The new power first is a typical borderline case here. Don't fix what ain't broke, especially if you're breaking it in your "fixing".
Texas Renegade said:
I like the new flamer. It always bothered me that the flamer in the original didn't have a backpack or anything on it, yet you had these canisters of fuel...

Modern flamethrowers don't have backpacks, they have a screw on canister that attaches to the flamer. The original flamer used that design rather than the older backpack design.

The power glove looks more like the impact glove (I theenk, or the punch gun) from Tactics.
See this kind of sexyness.


The new one looks like generic crap to me. :(

In my own opinion, Bethesda shouldn't make everything on there own and only take the Fallout name.. but ok, we have had this discussions onethousandbatzillions of times now.

I still don't like the new flamer. :)
I never used it aynway.

As for the "Power Glove"


Yeah I don't think a raider would be scared of that.