Nothing Is Safe From The Dutch

Shouldn't you be in bed instead of reading about ducks fucking other ducks? Man. You look up the strangest articles at the strangest times.
Malkavian said:
Shouldn't you be in bed instead of reading about ducks fucking other ducks? Man. You look up the strangest articles at the strangest times.
This is summer. 2:00 AM and the night is still fucking YOUNG.
John Uskglass said:
This is summer. 2:00 AM and the night is still fucking YOUNG.

So you're sitting at home reading about necropheliac ducks...?

Wait wait wait - so that Dutch guy won a Nobel Prize for watching a duck raping a dead duck for three hours?

Only in Dutchania.

PS It's 10 AM here, so I'm no freak.
"Rather startled, I watched this scene from close quarters behind the window until 19.10 hours during which time (75 minutes) I made some photographs and the mallard almost continuously copulated his dead congener."

75 minutes?

man, i envy the ducks stamina...
Homosexual necrophiliac ducks? Well, if it's good enough for ducks, it's good enough for me!

*heads to city morgue*
Let me take a wild guess. Romanian ducks, spending their vacation in the Netherlands?
Wooz said:
Let me take a wild guess. Romanian ducks, spending their vacation in the Netherlands?


Seriously I want to grow up and spend my time watching homo ducks perform necrophilia...I'm moving to da Neferwinds!

The Vault Dweller
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Seriously I want to grow up and spend my time watching homo ducks perform necrophilia...I'm moving to da Neferwinds!

Dude, that's absolutely sickening.

Moving to The Netherlands? Bah!
Interesting article, but no pics. Someone google them please.

I would do it myself but don't feel like making a search for "homosexual" +"necrophile" +"ducks" +"rape"
Remove Google's "SafeProtection" from the options and try again, maybe Google classifies Homophiliac Ducks as "porn" and blocks it...
...which would be quite funny, really.