Now....any new skill ideas?

Nikola's Cannon

First time out of the vault
So far, it's been announced that there will be a "survival" skill for determining how much health is recovered from food and water and allows you to cook over a fire, and they are combining big guns and little guns into one skill, AND making all things that go boom into a skill.

Any new ideas for improving the skill system from FO3 even more? :mrgreen:
Nikola's Cannon said:
they are combining big guns and little guns into one skill, AND making all things that go boom into a skill. :mrgreen:

please tell me this isn't so....

what's this skill called 'KILL STUFF'

because handling a knife takes the same capabilities as aiming a Snipers Rifle or correctly judging the throw of a grenade..

EPIC FACE PALM :salute: (almost the right smiley...)

seriously... What the hairy-toaded fuck?
cratchety ol joe: They're combining Big and Small guns into one skill, and Explosives as another skill, for not treating something like a Rocket Launcher like a Big Gun, but rather an Explosives' skill gun.

This really isn't a bad choice, we'll see how it turns out. There were even plans in VanBuren to merge some skills to a single "Firearms" skill IIRC.
Hello cratchety ol joe,

I know what you are getting at but I think they want to expand the non combat oriented skills in return such as speech skill.

Perhaps they will implement the Perk idea Sawyer had for Van Buren.
It went something along the line of being okay at using various weapons at best but only being able to outshine in them when you select the right Perk.

For example "Master Marksman" for in case you want to be really good at using a sniper rifle.

"Heavy Weapons Specialist" if you want to be good at heavy weapons, or "Quarterback Thrower" if you want your grenade throwing capability to be good.

Perhaps they will implement it so that you can only choose a few of these perks, eliminating the possibility of becoming good at every weapon.

The consequence for not having any of these perks could be that for example heavy weapons impair your movement and speed, and slow down the speed at which you rearm/refuel weapons.
Perhaps it also slows down how fast you can use a weapon too, for example a minigun takes longer to spin up.

What do you think?
cratchety ol joe, here's the exact quote from the website.

- The small and big weapons skills are merged into one weapon skill.
- Every weapon that made some asplozions before (like the rocket launcher or FatMan), are now in the skill category Explosives.
@Nikola's Cannon: phew! thanks for clearing that up! :)

@The Dutch Ghost: that might be a good way of doing it (please apply for a position on the development team now.)

In fact he two points coupled together would be VERY appeasing
although the stat driven RPG player in me would want a character sheet to correctly detail all of my various 'sub categories'

such as:

Combat: Ranged
..... sub category: rifles
..... sub category: pistols
Combat: Melee
..... sub category: unarmed - basic
..... sub category: melee weapons
Combat: Explosives
..... sub category: ranged
..... sub category: thrown

Although they wouldn't have to be listed visibly in the main skill list so that at a glance you'd see:

Combat: Ranged 64%

and then you could click it (once having accessed the sub skills)
and it would show

Combat: Ranged 64%
..... sub category: rifles (+5%) 69%
..... sub category: pistols (+15%) 79%

This way skill points would bolster the entire category, and then through traits/perks/bonuses the sub cat's would adjust as appropriate..

reminds me of Twilight 2000 a little...

But that kinda idea I could get in on.

For now I shall cover the glittering gem of hatred with the cowl of acceptance.
Actually, that exact system looks similar to what I had in mind for a concept of a PA RPG engine. You could either increase in the entire category, or specialize in one of the sub-categories.
I'd like to see Speech split into Persuasion and Deception, but I think I'm being too hopeful.

Someone mentioned that combining of Explosives and Big Guns will be strange for Stealth players because in order to defuse traps and mines they will also have to be good with a rocket launcher. I don't want to see Traps make a comeback, but I'd like to see a new skill that would affect your trap abilities. I was thinking "Instinct." This could have many affects such as slowing the detonation of traps or allowing you to avoid them altogether, detecting enemies on the compass (rather than Perception doing this) and maybe even improve your chances at gambling. It could be governed by Perception and Luck. What do you think?
I like that Persuasion/Deception idea of yours and also with that Explosives and Big Guns thingy, being a stealth character myself usually, that would be just...stupid.
It's not really my idea since it was planned for Van Buren. I think RPGs have the right idea when they split speech skills, like Vampire: Bloodlines that split the speech skills into Persuasion, Intimidation, Seduction and of course, Mind Control.

Oh yeah, and I was thinking, it would be cool if Deception had a side benefit to be able to detect when someone is lying to you. But again, not going to happen.
@BOS Man its common in a lot of RPG's that a skill either is checked against a counter skill, or the same skill when characters interact.

thus, in your idea, a character performed 'speech - deception' check (i.e. a lie...) would then either pass or fail

dependant on the outcome of that its then up to the target character to interpret the deception with a counter check.


Cha: [lie] "Yes I put the rubbish out"
Cha: deception skill check (skill 45%, check 53% - check failed)
NPC: -input: failed deception ([skill 35% +15% bonus for fail] 50%, check 27% - Passed)
NPC: "You sure? I can see it's still in the corner over there."

Or the alternate:

Cha: [lie] "Yes I put the rubbish out"
Cha: deception skill check (skill 45%, check 33% - check passed)
NPC: -input passed deception ([skill 35% -10% for pass] 25%, check 27% - Failed)
NPC: "Phew! thanks for doing that... saved me some time."

Note that the NPC made the same roll on the counter check, but was affected by the pass that the Cha had made.

This may or may not be what you were thinking of, but this is certainly how I run opposed checks when I run a game. (albeit the pass/fail bonuses etc I just made up here.. usually there would be some arbitrary rule about the effects of pass or failure on skill checks.)
I like the idea with the merging of skill (only the idea), but I don't think that it's good to merge exactly Big and Small Guns.

I agree with ol' Cratchety Joe and the system he suggested, except one part with explosives being split into ranged and thrown. I mean grenades are thrown, respectively ranged, now a grenade-launcher is ranged but I believe it would be better if it simply was in the Big Guns skill list.

I do not fully agree with the Speech skill being split into 2, again good idea fairly good daughter skills, because persuasion and deception kind-of overlap, I could try to lie to you or simply try to persuade you into that isn't true (lie). I would not mind the skill being split like that, I am open for accepting it if somebody shows me sth reasonable to aid that.
@cratchety ol joe
I do have an understanding of how skill checks work. I just like it when games divide speech skills. I mean, we divide combat skills in every game. I think that dividing speech skills shows a greater attention to depth of the actual roleplaying. It allows for greater customization of the personality of your character. I love when games allow you to put skill points into knowledge as well as abilities and this is greatly reflected in New Vegas by skills having an effect on dialogue, which is partly why I'm pretty confident that Speech won't be divided.

Personally, I think the more skills in Fallout the better. I say leave the current rate at which you gain skill points but add many, many new skills to spend them on. I'd like to see a dodge skill to add an extra layer of defense, and an athletics skill to improve your speed and jumping height and allow you to sprint longer, a leadership skill could increase the number of followers you can get as well as their overall strength, various academic skills could make you a professional in any number of fields that can have all sorts of effects on gameplay (like science and repair now). Don't get me wrong, I like the merging of some skills, but I also like plenty of variety in customizing my character so that each playthrough can be unique.
Jax Sparrow said:
I like the idea with the merging of skill (only the idea), but I don't think that it's good to merge exactly Big and Small Guns.

If it makes sense somewhere to merge it I am ok with it. So I never had issues with merging first aid and doctor in one skill.

On the other side. To much of it is simplification. And thats not inherently a good thing. Making artificaly complex mechanics simple is alright. But some games or things are a lot of fun cause they are complex and not easily accessible like COD.
I always thought it would be interesting to merge few skills, especially because some of them are not so useful.
for example, throwing skill would be merged with other combat skills, throwing knifes would associate with melee, grenades with small guns and plasma or pulse grenades with energy weapons.
merging all ranged skills seemed too drastic to me, though. but I can see it happen through weapon proficiencies (maybe emphasised with perks or something). big guns could require strength, energy weapons would require science etc.
@Bos Man I support you partially in that, that it would be good if they put more skills, the idea seem good and legit, but the examples were not the best ones in my opinion.

Let them put more skills, but dodge and athletics ? There is already a primary stat contributing to both, dodge, how fast will you duck or how far/high can you jump, like how agile you are... that seems to me like the primary stat stat agility.

Sprint longer - this sounds like endurance.

Leadership - there is already a perk with that name and a primary statistic - Charisma, the Cha stat is what defines how many party members can you have. I really don't see how a leadership skill would work in the game if it was 10-20% added to the skill to give you one additional slot for a party member it would be way too easy if it was even more then it just won't be worth it. Since you can't get half of e person :mrgreen: those points spent on the skill would seem useless, instead I would get ... I think there was a perk that gives you one additional party member slot IIRC, since I am not totally sure about this i would just get gain Cha if I want anotehr guy with me that bad.