@Nikola's Cannon: phew! thanks for clearing that up!
@The Dutch Ghost: that might be a good way of doing it (please apply for a position on the development team now.)
In fact he two points coupled together would be VERY appeasing
although the stat driven RPG player in me would want a character sheet to correctly detail all of my various 'sub categories'
such as:
Combat: Ranged
..... sub category: rifles
..... sub category: pistols
Combat: Melee
..... sub category: unarmed - basic
..... sub category: melee weapons
Combat: Explosives
..... sub category: ranged
..... sub category: thrown
Although they wouldn't have to be listed visibly in the main skill list so that at a glance you'd see:
Combat: Ranged 64%
and then you could click it (once having accessed the sub skills)
and it would show
Combat: Ranged 64%
..... sub category: rifles (+5%) 69%
..... sub category: pistols (+15%) 79%
This way skill points would bolster the entire category, and then through traits/perks/bonuses the sub cat's would adjust as appropriate..
reminds me of Twilight 2000 a little...
But that kinda idea I could get in on.
For now I shall cover the glittering gem of hatred with the cowl of acceptance.