Now Loading (and Pencil Sketch)

Nah, I asked Odin to re-program the gallery filters to deny the upload of MangaMonstrosities.

naverhtrad said:
Classy. A sterling example of NMA's commitment to free expression.

He was joking, it's actually impossible to reprogram a gallery script to filter out manga unless you have a spare 2 million for complex software and computers.

Looks like we can't do much about the coloured pick, tho'

Also, it's clear Wooz' comments sting, but it's his full right to rag on your work, that's part of what this forum is here for. If you have issues with criticism, you can really only ignore it
Brother None said:
He was joking, it's actually impossible to reprogram a gallery script to filter out manga unless you have a spare 2 million for complex software and computers.


Brother None said:
Looks like we can't do much about the coloured pick, tho'

A shame. I could try to put it in another format (.gif, maybe?) but I doubt it would do much good - I was using a Mac version of Illustrator CS.
ive encountered this problem before with mac illustrator rendering shitass jpgs. Please save as gif, or screengrab your desktop and up a png.
I encountered a problem like this yesterday when I uploaded pics to facebook. Photoshop only. I Opened the pic, resaved it with lower quality to save bandwidth. Still took to much, reopened it and resized it and saved with lower quality. It was viewable on the computer, but did not work after I had uploaded it. I ended up with two albums like this... save bandwidth... pfft.

I used jpgs all the way (I know that is a bad choice when saving multiple times but I don't care. I'm such a rebel)
naverhtrad said:
Classy. A sterling example of NMA's commitment to free expression.

Dance, puppet, dance! :lalala:

About the file format, try opening it in Adobe ImageReady and saving it as a JPEG or a PNG under a different name. The JPEG compression scripts are better in this 'lil program, and rarely fucks up when saving files; it'll also make your file smaller than if you had saved it using either Illustrator or Photochop CS or CS2.

That said, it will not make your pic any less vomitous.
Okay, third attempt with the PNG. Thanks, Wooz.

I find it amusing, however, that you keep imagining me to be offended. Apparently, sarcasm is something you have not yet encountered in the wastes.
The colored version still doesn't loads for me... can you post it here via imageshack? I'm very interested how does the colored looks. :)
Well, I can give this a shot.

If you could get rid of the anime face it wouldn't be that bad, because the rest isn't aprticularely anime-ish.
Kahgan said:
If you could get rid of the anime face it wouldn't be that bad, because the rest isn't aprticularely anime-ish.

Very broad-hipped and wide-of-chest, though. Look that Miria was made to BREED.
Not bad, the coloring and shadows are OK.
Well I don't care about the anime face so the whole
pic is okey for me :ok:
Not bad indeed. Gunholster seems a bit low. And uber-tatas are a bit strange. I still dont like the crotch fold, but maybe its just the burlap pants. I want to see a super distorted version :)
That colored picture...

She looks like she could be your Aunt Helga, ready to fix your sink and bake you a meat pie.
And that crotch was made to give birth to a baby mammoth.
I really don't get hentai/manga/anime/whatever. With very few exceptions, it just seems like an excuse for mass drawings and animation. You should go for a more original and challenging style.