Thanks for the positive comments, guys.
Azrael said:
The Vic armors are a bit stiff..
Yes, Vic gave us trouble from the start and i confess
he probably came out the worst of the 3. But having said this the
original sprite is very stiff to start with (and rather badly
animated IMO) so pasting in the armours made him look
even stiffer. BUT, he is supposed to be an out-of-shape
middle-aged man so i suppose it figures....
McRae said:
wow! The possibility of wearing the BOS armor without the helmet is definitely gonna become my favorite one.
Unfortunately, unless a scripter can help us figure out how to do
this i don't know how to make it happen. We have the graphics
ready to go, all we need is someone who understands scripting to
help mr wolna and i figure out how to use the goris script. Is there
anyone who can help us do this??