NPC Armor

I was thinking...

Talking about hero animations, maybe in the future we'll be able to play with diferent-looking characters? I mean, look at Cassidy's frames. What if one day they make all weapon frames for Cassidy's bald frame. How cool is that? Since Timeslip came and modded Fallout 2, we now can change the player model, I don't know how, but it would be interesting if we had a shortcut that would change the appearance of your character with just a few clicks. Also, it would be awesome if someone made a mod which used those new FRMs to make more diverse-looking characters by changing some characters' sprites and armor. Imagine a gang. Let's imagine something like the Khans in Fallout, most looked like you. Ok, now imagine some bald guys in leather jacket walking around, looking all bad-ass and all that, and three tribal-looking guy with Metal Armor with spears on their hands. Think that on your mind. That could look pretty, cool, eh?
Who knows, maybe one day...
I can't wait to finish my game, so I can update the RP, put the NPC Armor Mod and Magnus' Weapons Upgrade mod!
Howdy. I am a new registered member. I was wondering if you guys planed on making armor for Miria. If you do, could you add on the Miria ad mod? If she gets to have her own armor, she should be able to level up and acually be worth the armor.
GlowHound said:
Personally I'd love to be able to have the male player model have long hair. *wink wink*

Good idea. Not too difficult either. It would be awesome to have an alternative (more hippy) player sprite, and i'm sure Timeslip could add a character creation option. But would be a time-intensive endeavour, so unless we can round up a team of modders, it ain't gonna happen .... any voulunteers?

Slaughter Manslaught said:
Talking about hero animations, maybe in the future we'll be able to play with diferent-looking characters?

Well, i've developed a way to automate re-sizing of individual frames. It would be easy to create a slimmer and stockier version of the entire hero FRM set. The sprite used could be determined by your ST & EN stats. That would create some variety in the Hero sprite. Does this interest anyone?

@ Jotisz - good work on Mira. Keep it up.
Yeah the drug dealer with long hair... A hippie...

Good idea. Not too difficult either. It would be awesome to have an alternative (more hippy) player sprite, and i'm sure Timeslip could add a character creation option. But would be a time-intensive endeavour, so unless we can round up a team of modders, it ain't gonna happen .... any voulunteers?

If it is just a matter of copypasting, and that you write a tutorial, AND that you send me the head to past over the model, then I might be able to help. Not too much, cause i have other projects, but that could maybe help you a little.

Grayswandir said:
If it is just a matter of copypasting, and that you write a tutorial, AND that you send me the head to past over the model, then I might be able to help. Not too much, cause i have other projects, but that could maybe help you a little.

You got it Grayswandir - thats some good work. But we'd need a pretty substantial team to do all the FRM's. I've learned alot from the NPC armour mod: and one of the most important lessons is that a project of this size needs a team working together .... it's just too much for one, or even two people. Unfortunately, real teamwork seems to be in rather short supply on these forums. Now i focus my efforts on smaller, more man-sized (or bite sized) projects.

But hey, i'm always ready for team-work :)
I am in.
But I agree it is too much work for a small team.
Maybe we should keep the long haired guy for a special npc, by just doing one type : the leather long hair, or the metal long hair...
How many frm would that means? 50?
And then if we achieve it, we could try to make a new companion...
We also could ask for help to all the people with graphic abilities (hotel california, continuum, wildqwerty and all the others...) Even to do just one animation.

Anyway, i think I will make the standing animation for the jumpsuit, and the metal armor too.
I'm suprised no one seemed to have the idea to make the PC have long hair, let alone change it in general before I brought it up.

Pretty cool to see.

Also, this might have been a given, but with the combat armors, you should probably make him helmet-less.
About the long haired PC char I'd gadly help in it after I've done with Miria talking about her here is some frm (originaly I wanted to post gifs but I was too lazy to make them)



Well what you think about it guys?
I want to start making some FRMs for Cassidy in advanced PA and Vic in apower armours.

Does anyone know a good FRM browser because its a pain in tha ass to manually select each time a FRM to see what it represents. I need something to see at a glance what a particular FRM is all about. A "mass" FRM viewer of some sorts.

are there in Fallout 2 critter.dar some FRMs with helmetless :) charachters in Brotherhood PA? I think Cassidy will look cool in an andvanced PA with the head covered by that blue cloth.

I really liked that idle animation where the character in PA takes the helmet off and scratches his head. Was that animation included in the restoration project? If so, I missed it.

Could someone tell me what other NPC armour projects are in the works now? I really want to help.

PS: I always thought that Cassidy has a mustache. but in the talking head animation from restoration project, he has none!
Jotisz said:
Hi guys!
So here is some animated stuff about Vic

SledNeck if you like to help pm me any help is welcomed
Killap if you could help in the hosting that would be good too but for that a lot of thing is needed to do

I think you can make Vics leather armour to looks less stiff (front view) by changing how the armour shines accordingly with Vics movemets.
Grotesque said:
Does anyone know a good FRM browser because its a pain in tha ass to manually select each time a FRM to see what it represents. I need something to see at a glance what a particular FRM is all about. A "mass" FRM viewer of some sorts.

Jotisz found this recently:

It's a great FRM viewer and exporter: it can export a FRM as an animated GIF. It's super easy to use - great work Jotisz!

Grotesque said:
are there in Fallout 2 critter.dar some FRMs with helmetless :) charachters in Brotherhood PA? I think Cassidy will look cool in an andvanced PA with the head covered by that blue cloth.

There are no helmetless APA FRM's in FO2 to my knowledge. There are some (not all) helmetless PA FRM's - look for NAPOWR.

Grotesque said:
I really liked that idle animation where the character in PA takes the helmet off and scratches his head. Was that animation included in the restoration project? If so, I missed it.

Unfortunately, neither Killap or MIB88 could figure out how to use the Goris cloak script, so those graphics are still sitting there waiting to be used. There are other ways, but i don't know how. .. :(

Grotesque said:
Could someone tell me what other NPC armour projects are in the works now? I really want to help.

Well, Jotisz could probably use some help with Miria, so you could PM him. If we can get enough people together to make a team, we (myself included) could make the long haired male Hero sprite. But there's no way i'd consider tackling that one without at least 3-4 committed modders.
Grotesque said:
Could someone tell me what other NPC armour projects are in the works now? I really want to help.
Here are the chars that will be made in the future but haven't started yet: Davin, Lenny, Myron (though MR. Bean done something with them but we wasn't able to reach him they will go from the begining)
If you'd like to help or need help in frm editing feel free too pm me

Also I have some ambition about editing some other chars

Josan12 said:
Unfortunately, neither Killap or MIB88 could figure out how to use the Goris cloak script, so those graphics are still sitting there waiting to be used. There are other ways, but i don't know how. .. Sad
I had for that an idea but it wouldn't work perfectly with the running animation, the is that renaming the helmetless animation to the normal powerarmor animation and merging the weapon drawing with the animation where the player take of the helmet so the character will be helmetless whikle he/she use the rocket louncher and minigun.

To Continuum and Dude101
Thanks for the feedback
so the plan is that the player character in PA will only ose the helmet from power armor only when he enters in combat?

if so, what about female characters in PA?

Here is the my first animation for Cassidy in APA .
