NPC Armor

All armors with all guns (that vic can use) and death animations?[/quote]

Absolutely. All 3876 frames for jacket, leather, metal and combat. I confess that we skipped throwing (anyone ever
seen vic throwing?) and knife swing (keeping only thrust)
simply because as far as we know only jotisz and i are
working on this. But it will get finished! vic is the hardest
by far due to his - ahem - proportions. fallout Ranger i know
has worked some on sulik and cassidy. Lenny and Myron may get
done once we've fully completed the main NPC's in order of

1) sulik (hes picked up first, is (usually) around the longest
and is the best (IMO)
2) Cassidy (hes all good, always, is usually around a long while
unless you're playing a junkie character)
3) vic (hes old, bald and loves to 'accidently' shoot me in the
back, but i think hes great)
4) Lenny
5) Myron (ive never actually had him in my party)
6) Marcus (a big maybe as he cant even use armour. But
would love to make frames for him)

how about some in game screenshots?[/quote]

Jotisz is working on that right, will post soon.

As usual if anyone wants to jump on board it
would be much appreciated. Just PM me or jotisz.
Marcus can't wear any armor, but it would be easy to recode him into wearing (megamod already got those):
1) no armor
2) leather jacket
3) metal armor
anything better for a supermutant would be stupid -.-, so marcus requires no work at all.

And about Lenny, i believe that giving him anything more than a metal armor would be quite imba, after all he has a lot of hp.

I admire your work guys :)
You could try to retreive the Super Mutant Frame of the one in Power Armor in FO1 then you could get a Marcus in Power Armor
Hi guys here is some ingame screen just click on the thumbmails
I named the frames as HNWARR so I was able to test them in the begining.

Yeah its only 9 screenshots but we hope you like it.
Wow he looks great! even if this mod died now, that on its own is awesome! Please keep up the good work.
Thanks Dude101
Its going on thanks to Josan he really does a lot of stuff more then me (I was quite busy with school stuff but after this month I'll have more freetime atleast for a while).
Mr. Wolna
About the trousers well Vic's legs are wider then the ordinary chars in Fallout, and making the trousers would be a lot of time we still had to made changes on the armors (especially metal and leather jacket) to make them flippable and increase the speed of the process.
Plus adding trousers might take away from the uniqueness of the character and if you don't care about uniqueness then the B-Team mod is all you need.

I applaud the efforts of Jotisz and Josan, I am eagerly awaiting the day to see this added to the Restoration Project. :clap: :clap: :clap:
If this is included into killap's mod, no matter how clumsy Vic is... i need to have him in my team!
gracul said:
If this is included into killap's mod, no matter how clumsy Vic is... i need to have him in my team!
Oh it will indeed be included as a module in the installer.
Hi guys here is some ingame screen just click on the thumbmails
I named the frames as HNWARR so I was able to test them in the begining.

Any chance of frapping us a video? I don't think those screenshots will really do your work justice until we can see their awesomeness ingame!
You have seen the combat armor for cassidy in Shattered Desteny?

So you don't need to make it once , cause it is done yet!
Mr. Wolna thanks for the info.
Hotel California I'll make a video as soon as I can.

Note there is a leather jacket dude too but I'm can't make it in gif tonight so here is it in pic

These frames were done by Josan
For the walking/running animations, keep in mind that the base of the frame is constantly changing. Keeping it in one place doesn't reflect how it will actually look, so it should be judged by how it looks in action. For running animations, the head and body should move up and down a bit, since that's what happens in real life.
But In This Context His Head Looks Funky Moving Up And Down That Much. He Isn't Moving His Shoulders Up And Down To That Extent, So Why Would He Neck Erupt With Every Step? :crazy:
Yes the head shouldnt bob up and
down so much - we're just getting
started on Sulik and figuring out
the best way to do him. So here's
a few q's:

1) suliks talking head is clearly bald
with a few tatoo's. the FRM's clearly
show a head of black hair. Do we want
to change the look of suliks head?
If so any opinions on how? Maybe a
mohawk or something?

2) Any ideas on how to characterise
suliks armour to suit him? I've kept
the leather strap for a start. And the
bare feet. Maybe the animal skull
seen on his talking head
shoulder could remain a constant?