Nuclear WAR - like... right now?


Vault Senior Citizen
You're sitting at home, comfortably at your desk, browsing the forums, or at school or at work. Then you click on this topic to take a look. Suddenly, bang, nuclear blast outside, on the horizon. All power goes down and people start running and screaming on the streets. What do you do? I mean, sure, we've read the brochures and guides. But let's suppose this is for real. What would you do, considering all you personally have at your disposal at this moment?
I'd be vaporized in the following few seconds. Or if I was lucky, I'd manage to survive the blast, but would probably die of injuries or the radiation (it would took some time before anyone could find me). No Vaults in Poland I tell you, so where would I hide?
I would begin to independently study artificial agriculture, and rely on that my remote position on the countryside would protect me from foreign forces and mutated critters. This, of course, assuming that I wasn't immediately blasted away. Then I'd be dead.
Come on, i said it was on the horizon, so it is really far away. For instance, you could start by not staring at the blasts. There are no nuclear shelters in my neighborhood, but there are subway stations and basements. I could try to run to the nearest subway station (just 2 min away). I've seen some huge doors in the tunnel at each end of every station in the city, i'm not sure wether those are blast doors or just big doors...
Our cities aren't prepared to withstand a nuclear blast, nor are it's citizens. It's all a matter of luck if you survive or not. What next? No idea, as there is too much speculation included and I have limited imagination.

And for the far away blast wave - it moves MUCH faster than you think. And how many bombs\how near my place of living would fall?
It doesn't matter, the idea is you don't die by the blast, otherwise there wouldn't be a point to this discussion, would it?

Cities are less protected now than they were in the '50s. They don't build houses the way they used to (just look how many of them are destroyed by winds, tornadoes and hurricanes).

I'm thinking you would have time to grab some objects from the house, maybe a big knife. I don't have a weapon. I wouldn't try using a car: the roads would be closed anyway with people, other cars or maybe military. I assume that the best thing to do is find a small group of people (family or friends) with wich to get a little organized and leave the cities as fast as possible. I wonder if you have time to dig a shelter after the blasts?
I am pretty sure if you were going to nuke washington state you'd hit 2 sites first, Seattle, the biggest city, 20 miles north and our Air Force Base and Army Base about 20 miles to the south. I sit in a pretty bad position to survive the first strike.

IF I did I'd probably run next store to the mall try and grab some food and some sort of weapon and hide out in the basement to protect myself from the radiation. I'd hide there for a few days as I am not sure how long it would take the fallout to drop.

I'd keep my jeep which currently has 3/4ths a tank of gas and could at least get into eastern washington (less populated, safer). Depending on how urgent I felt it was I'd probably swing by home to grab my guns, even though I have no .45 ammo currently. After that I'd head to the midwest, filling up my jeep every chance I got.

Once I was a couple states inland I'd try and find a place to get the news and see how serious it was. If nuclear apocalypse had really occurred I'd take what survives I could and find a nice fertile plot of land to try and rebuild.
generalissimofurioso said:

Probably the truest answer of the lot.

Assuming I wasn't instantly killed and/or seriously irradiated, my first thought would be to look at the weather station and check out the prevailing winds. If it was far enough away, I would probably (quietly) shelter in place.

Floridians are somewhat accustomed to limited civil emergencies courtesy of hurricane season. So most of us have food, water, generators, and the like. Give it two weeks or so to see how things shake out, and re-evaluate as needed.

I suppose I have a leg up on a lot of people, as I am a catastrophic loss analyst and a firearms enthusiast. Although faced with a loss of the magnitude of an all-out nuclear attack, I doubt either would be of much comfort to me.
Open all the windows incase impending blast wave (picked this one up from Alas Babylon)'

I am also near Seattle, however I am in Kent, so life would suck, but I don't think I'd die of the blast (and hopefully not the radiation)

Aside from that I'd probably grab my grandpa's ol 22single action revolver and maybe my dads 306? (pronounced 30odd6) and get ready for some shopping

then again im basically downwind from seattle so i might be too screwed to leave the house for awhile... :(
I'd masturbate, and I'd masturbate furiously! The wastes are no place for me and I am in no way prepared for such event.
i would start posting useless spam on nma and see if the moderators are still behind their pc's !
Well I would pick up a knife, go to the next outdoor store and rob all the high qualitiy stuff that you might need. Afterwards I would try to get (rob) a better weapon. Well after I robbed 5 more stores I would go back to my parents house and I would start making plans for my post nukular kingdom.

Or I would do some of the old "in and out" game before the radiation sickness kicks in :mrgreen:
Do backups of old savegames and immediately roll a new character!
Blakut said:
Come on, i said it was on the horizon, so it is really far away.

"For an observer standing on the ground with h = 1.70 m (average eye-level height), the horizon appears at a distance of 4.7 km."

I don't think that's enough :mrgreen:

Anyway.. I'd rob Aldi or Lidl and get all the tin cans and water I can carry out before all the other guys rob the place. Then I'd check the wind to avoid the fallout and get the hell out of there.
I'd probably try to get a shotgun to fend off the zombie hordes. Er... whoops, wrong scenario.
Vault 13 said:
i would start posting useless spam on nma and see if the moderators are still behind their pc's !

The day of the apocalypse...

Noob: "Hay guys ! there si teh nukular wars outside how I servives?"

Moderator: "Idiot. Read the stickies."


Coincidentally I'm in my colleges library right now on the ground floor. If it happened I would run out to may vehicle and small supply of emergency stuff I keep in the back. About a days worth of food, water, a blanket, and a first aid kit. Then I'd come back in the library and go to the downstairs level. Wait a few days for all the fallout to hit the ground then wait for clear weather that won't blow it back up into the air and leave for home.

The Vault Dweller