I like Oblivions combat, but then again, I have great memories of battling liches and rotworms in Ultima Underworld II.
I just downloaded the Gothic II demo...I remember trying the first games demo, but its control system seemed archaic, but I'll give this a shot anyway...although I am busy finishing Starcraft (and soon broodwar)...then Fallout1/2 and Ultima 7...perhaps planescape torment.
Why is anyone bothering to make new games?
Also...I can dig that people like Mario64, but I just don't easily subscribe to that type of platforming...although I have enjoyed Ratchet and Clank and the new Daxter on PSP. But they have the formula that I felt Mario64 lacked. 64 had this evolving, but fairly repetive world system, but I didn't feel like the player was evolving much...I mean, where were the fireballs, hammer suits, frog suits, tanooki suits? It had less mario lore than Super Smash Brothers.