Obsidian and Tanks?

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO
I guess some already knew about World of Tanks? I played it for quite some time, getting almost to the top of the Soviet heavy tank tree and almost to the top of the German and US heavy tank tree. So I know the one or other thing about it.

Seems that Obsdian wan'ts their share from the tank-pie as well. No clue how good it is, but chances are high if you like World of Tanks you might also enjoy Obsidians Armored Warefare.

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I played WoT extensively in the past and now I play AW. So far I would say it's better. I invite everyone to try it out. It even has some RPG elements such as skill trees for commanders and crews and some limited base building. Unlike WoT it also has a nice PvE mode with various missions. All in all, very good game, considering it's just an open beta.
The thing that keeps me from playing it is romulan/klingon camouflage all over again though. I HATED(!) this already in WoT and I know it will be frustrating in AW. Not saying the game is shit though, it's just something that I feel has no place in a game about armored vehicles. Tanks should not dissapear while you look at them ...

I have my doubts that the penetration/armor protection is realistic though. I mean ... a game that everyone can buy :look:
Still it really looks neat!
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Playing it too. Trying to get that Terminator, but it's such a damn grind. It's most fun if you play in a group- solo on public usually is crap, because everyone does whatever they want. PVE is more fun in such a case, but the missions are repeating over and over and it gets dull fast as well.

Don't get fooled about "Obsidian does this and Obsidian does RPGs" because this game (obviously) is not an RPG. There are tiny elements like crew skills, but it's nothing to really talk about.

All in all, I think it's better than WoT. For me personally also simply because I grew tired of the WW2 setting.

Oh, and I think the dealer tank-trees are much better than the country trees in WoT, because they allow more freedom: If wanted, they could add a new dealer, add 3 new tanks as unique core vehicles and then fill up the rest with the existing vehicles, tweak armor and loadout and done is the new handler and tech tree. This could allow alternate difficulty settings (how to unlock tanks) and more freedome in the tank choices (unlock order / put certain tanks in a different tier).
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Is WoT even so much about WW2 ... seriously with all of those new Tier 7,8 and 9 tanks it really has become more of a post-war scenario. Like the late 1940s and early 50s with all of those paper projects out of fantasy land. That's one of the things that always bothered me about WoT. Thank god I stoped playing it before this power creep took completely over.
Yeah, that's what I didn't liked either. They mashed in all these experimental and concept tanks that never really existed. Not to forget all that stuff totally fucked up the game balance... WoT was most fun when it was in beta. After that it became kinda shitty, imo. Who knows, maybe the same happens to AW in the future.
Well there is the MBT 70 paper project with a 150mm anti tank gun as premium tank. Yay! I guess?
So I did some calculations... in order to unlock the Terminator, I'll have to win at least 400 battles. And this is not even with money in... so it would be even more to grind the necessary money to buy all the tanks till tier 8. This sounds kinda crazy to me, so I checked out how I did my tier 10 tank in WoT.... and found out I played 2.373 battles there... holy fuck, I really had no life back in the days.
Have the termi from pre-release supporter and the Obj 155 from participating in the Alpha. A shame they insist, like in WOT, to use the T-54, which is nothing but a prototype stage of the T-55, the tank that finally went into full production being the most produced tank in the world to this day. Fortunately (for me at least, those who were not in the alpha are screwed) the Obj 155 is an intermediate state between the 54 and 55 and basically an either late 54 or early 55, which are almost the same thing rather than a prototype stage T-54 that never went into full production.
Only now do you understand my plan!

Yess! YESS! Argue! Fight! Which is the best tank game ... which is the best ice cream ... which ... is ... the best console!
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I like War Thunder even less than WOT. Like I said, sims make for boring MMO's. And WWII, again, kinda tired of it. Also, you are complaining of a game being buggy in beta? Because War Thunder was/is bug free. Are you a War Thunder fanboy?

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Well, first of all it isn't an MMO, it's a match based tank game.

War Thunder was buggy when they first released the tanks but not even close to the buggyness of AW. Also, simulation makes for excellent matches. It's not an MMO, yknow. Just like Counter Strike is not an MMO.
Gaijin alone makes WT a shit game. Their CMs are also shit.

Wargaming is shit too btw, so WoT is also shit.

For AW, not sure. It's still new. We'll see.