Obsidian CEO wishes New Vegas "wasn't as glitchy"

Bugs are one thing, sloppiness is something entirely different. FNV was supposedly horribly bugged. Never tried it before the first patch and didn't really have any problems. I'd say it's likely that millions of other gamers were cool with the situation as well, as the game received pretty much universal praise. Overall, I think FNV was good for Obsidian's reputation. The people complaining are those that can't accept that Obsidian beat Bethesda at their own game :P

However, I'd have a harder time excusing the unfinished release of KotOR 2 and the extreme lack of polish in Alpha Protocol. AP was basically the definition of wasted potential.
A lot Obsidian's quality problems come from trying to do much in the amount of time they have to develop their games, but at the same time, that isn't always bad; I rather have a bugged at release New Vegas with tons of content than something like Dragon Age II that is on a much smaller scale for a game with similar short development time (and still not bug free).
gumbarrel said:
Crni Vuk said:
shihonage said:
Games of this caliber require far better tools for dialogue/quest/NPC outfit editing than they undoubtedly actually ended up using.
That is hardly an excuse in my eyes. Those people are damn professionals.

So? Professionals do bad shit all the time, in any line of work.
Strange really. You people are gamers. Why do you defend it ? THAT is exactly the reason why we get so many buggy games.

hardly any other industry gets the same freedom like games. You get a product and you expect it to work. If it does not you can give it back. But only very few gamers do that (even I did it only once).

But that still does not mean "its hard to do, even professionals do bad shit all the time". NO shit Sherlock :P

Thing is. The artist makes the tools. Not the tools the artist.
Because bugs or not they produced a better game than anyone else has in the last 5 years at least?
Tagaziel said:
Lexx said:
Well, totally different engine. You can't do FNV in the way it is done when using the source engine.

You could when using Assassin's Creed engine. :P

The Assassin's Creed games technically aren't open world in the same way since you basically have the world split up into big level chunks, it's not seamless.

In theory though you can technically modify any engine to suit your needs.