Obsidian making Dungeon Siege 3?

I would like to see Obsidian make an RPG based on Lost Planet.

I'd really like to see the stats on things like the Overland Battleship or Railway Gun.

Teaser Trailer.

"From the makers of Fallout: New Vegas", they're going off the hype of NV before it's even out.
Also notice how it's on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. I doubt they're going to try and make it isometric like DS1 or 2 (not that I've played either, I just know they are isometric, I actually saw DS1 in a charity shop the other day but it was £10 for god knows why, who prices that shit?).
what the fuck is up with that voice acting?

what the hell were they trying to achieve?
as long as the mechanics more tend twords DS2 than DS1, i will like it.

DS1 without auto-cast sucks balls.

never really spent much time with DS1 but DS2 i have played a lot. but it seems a bit gimmicky.