OCC- Zombie Apocalypse- rules and guidelines

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And in many ways that makes sense in Canada, especially given the recurring nationalistic trend in Quebec to go its own way.

But the US is a bit different. In some ways the US is a bit more like the EU- a set of mixed sovereignties in which state constitutions have broad power while the federal constitution is quite limited. Restrain on military or federal response to emergency is usually in order to protect localized control.

But the federal constitution has this broad commerce clause and a notion of federal pre-emption.

So in some ways you can think of the US as a big common market with governing body at its head and responsible for federal issues, while most of everything else is left to the states.

So generally, you'd be correct. State power in this case should be controlling.

Except for the exceptions that swallow the rule. In this case much of this has to do with the nature of the national emergency. Add to this executive orders, constitutional preemption, and then the break down of authority at both federal and state levels- makes this a big mess.

But you're right, the issue of the helicopter does seem to thread the line.

You're right, I have argued the military's view here. THe other side is also valid. But most of the players here are playing military characters and thus would probably be biased in that direction. Civilian characters would, I suspect, be uncertain as to which way to go as their preferences are less institutionally informed.

There is no right or wrong answer in this. As in so many questions, the answer is really," it depends."
I don't know if it would help (sorry I am not a member of this RP but I follow it quite closely much better than a film in my opinion) but in the UK the law of armed conflict is drilled into you from day one at basic training (in the UK at least but the US has a simmiler training routine as we do) and the standard under the LOAC is to follow the standing orders of your government if you lose contact with your command you are to carry out your standing orders which are to protect your country and the civilian population although this can change with the situation i.e. guarding sensitive weapons like Nukes and artillery pieces.

This type of RP looks like to me would fit under the civil war scenario where any one attacking the civilian population or the official government representative's would be automaticly considered a enemy combatant and would be treated as such by the USAF in this scenario.

Priority for transport is decided by the commander in the field so if a captain was the highest ranking officer in a area he would automaticly be in command but a sergeant would be in command if he was the highest ranking in the area. BUT civilians like doctors and scientists would be on the priority list for transit out of the combat zone.

SO what need's to be established in this scenario is the chain of command i.e who has radio communication with who and who is the most senior rank on the ground? And also what is needed ware is ammo needed by X and Y has lots and is close by? Ammo is just example it could be medical supplies or rations ect use your imagination.
Here's a repost the modified random hit location table for missile weapons, as well as one for melee combat. I originally had the legs reversed, but I fixed that.

Random Hit Locations:

Missile weapons:
Roll 1d20:

01-03: R. Leg
04-06: L. Leg
07-09: Abdomen
10-14: Chest
15-16: R. Arm
17-18: L Arm
19-20: Head

Melee weapons:
Roll 1d20:
01-04: R. Leg
05-08: L. Leg
09-11: Abdomen
12: Chest
13-15: R. Arm
16-18: L. Arm
19-20: Head
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