First time out of the vault

Now, I keep messing up part way through the game so I have a save game which has me just finishing Shady Sands.
Anyway, this time I have taken the quest to kill the woman who is the leader of the people who are hooked on nuka-cola [cant remember who she is].
Anyways, I took that quest and then when I went to talk to her she yelled at me about the gunrunners being gone.
Anyone else have this problem?
Also..where is the deathclaw hive, because I cant seem to find the entrance.
Anyway, this time I have taken the quest to kill the woman who is the leader of the people who are hooked on nuka-cola [cant remember who she is].
Anyways, I took that quest and then when I went to talk to her she yelled at me about the gunrunners being gone.
Anyone else have this problem?
Also..where is the deathclaw hive, because I cant seem to find the entrance.