Odd NPC's in fallout1


First time out of the vault
Now, I keep messing up part way through the game so I have a save game which has me just finishing Shady Sands.

Anyway, this time I have taken the quest to kill the woman who is the leader of the people who are hooked on nuka-cola [cant remember who she is].

Anyways, I took that quest and then when I went to talk to her she yelled at me about the gunrunners being gone.

Anyone else have this problem?

Also..where is the deathclaw hive, because I cant seem to find the entrance.
The Blades. Yeah, that quest is seriously, seriously bugged. I don't think I might've finished it a few times so the Blades-woman is happy.

Not much you can do. Sometimes when you do what she tells you to, she gets pissed. Best is to take the quest from her, finish it (by employing the gunrunners or just killing those dudes for her or whatever). Then walk back up to her, save and see if she likes it. If not, reload and just don't talk to her anymore.

The nest is in the basement of the central (and only) building of the deathclaw area. Take the stairs down.
Between her and the gunrunners right? Or am I just being stupid agian :P Also...whats the deal with the raiders and looking like the guys father? I've looked around but none the NPC's seem to explain anything about that.
Harvengure said:
Between her and the gunrunners right? Or am I just being stupid agian :P Also...whats the deal with the raiders and looking like the guys father? I've looked around but none the NPC's seem to explain anything about that.

Yip, between the Blades and the Gunrunners.

Raiders? Father? Huh

You mean back up north near shady sands? That father has no purpose, except that the boss can mistake you for his da' if your charisma is high enough or something.
Thank you. It just seemed rather odd to me to talk in and have them all freak. especially when I had hear you could fight him one/one to free the girl.