Bad year for you? Good days 2006 was. Sleepovers, Orange Box, Oblivion, skating/biking with cousins and mutual friends, going to the lake in the summer. Sigh. Good times the early and mid 2000's were.Speak for yourself I had a terrible time in 2006
Shitposting on Tinder as Big Boss has been more fun than it really should be
To the last one I told her Solid Snake's home was on the battlefield. So far the gender ratio of people sending me quotes has been shockingly equal.
I'm gonna steal your idea.
But I might do it Jonah Jameson instead because I have to be somewhat original
I have been flooded with matches so far. I thought wow, this must be what it's like to be hot. Turns out all you need is a missing eye, decades of battlefield trauma and a penchant for international terrorism.
So, can love bloom even on a battlefield?
I have been flooded with matches so far. I thought wow, this must be what it's like to be hot. Turns out all you need is a missing eye, decades of battlefield trauma and a penchant for international terrorism.