Fallout Tactics mod (Old thread) ENCLAVE mod downloads Full version with bugs fixed

when i open ms-dos bat file,i press a key and nothing happens,and i extracted to fallout tactics.I did as it said.I think this a BAT. bug or somethin?
Sorry man, the fix is awaiting authorization, by the time you read this it will be authorized on Mod DB and available for download.
well,at least i found something i need,water and green tiles.Because in my mod i don't need brown water,because an nuclear war can't destroy oceans.

Also nice objects.
Hey hey, I visit the forums here every once in a while and I recendly installed Tactics again and decide to check out what kind of mods were for it here.

This mod here looks freaking awesome! Just the thought about playing as the Enclave is really exciting (heres hoping Obsidian will make a game about that) and I'd love to try it out, but got couple of questions first.

I got Tactics via gog.com so it would be compatible to my windows 8. Can this mod work on Gog Tacics? If so, how exactly am I suppose to install this mod? This would be my first time getting a Tactics mod XD

And are there any other Tactics mod that you recommend I get? Like campaign mods or weapons mods? This is my first visit to this section of the forum, so I got no idea whats been made here.
The links under this comment is my mods you can check them out, only Enclave is released tho the others I am still working on, read the description of the files on Mod DB and it will show you how to install Enclave, and yes it dose work with the Gog Tactics, there is a file extractchon problem very few people have this bug but if it doesn't start just post here and I will explain what to do :)

Awaken is a good mod
The Wastes is a dimo, its dead so far :(
If you play turn based then (Turn based mod) is for you ;)
You can find most mods on Mod DB but if you need links to any mods I will get you them ;)

If you need anything else I can help if I can't you will get directed to the person that can.

You should make a profile on Mod DB also so you can be alerted on any new updates on Enclave, Enclave II and Last Vegas.
Find me on Mod DB if you make a profile and PM me.
Hey, thanks for the reply. Anyways, I have run into a problem; I have downloaded all the files and unzipped them in the right places, or I think I have. But when I click on the Enclave icon, that I think im suppose to click on, I get an error message.

Cannot create BOS process!
Possible reasons:
1. Path to main FT directory obtained from Windows registry points to incorrect directory.
2. Main FT directory does not contain BOS.exe executable file.

Am guessing I unzipped some of the files in the wrong place. I know its explained in the description, but at first I felt unsure if I was to unzip it all in the same Fallout Tactics folder, or have a second Fallout Tactics folder within the first one. I first did that and, unsurpisingly, it didnt work. So, I did it all over again and had it all within the only Fallout Tactics folder and tried to place the folders where it looked like they were suppose to go, but am still getting the same message as above.
How to install the normal Fallout Tactics directory is (C:/Program Files/Interplay/Fallout Tactics, I don't know if the Gog Tactics is the same as the DVDs install, each Enclave 3.0 File #s has the Fallout Tactics folder just go to (C:/Program Files/Interplay/) and drop it there and copy and replace the Fallout Tactics folder, and how you run the mod click "Enclave.BAT the .BAT may be hidden on Windows 8 computers until modified to see unown file extensions.

And if it still doesn't play then you have the extracting bug :( please go to where you extracted the files and right click on the Enclave folder and send me the size of the folder this will help me fix the file problem.

I will post a tutorial on how to work around the bug if you have it, if you can't figure it out give me a week and I will have the problem fixed and re uploaded on Mod DB.
Okay, success of sorts. Decided to try and copy/paste the Fallout Tactics folder and the mod in the copy actually does work.

I think.

The first few times it crashed when my guy went to the prison truck. Am finally at the prison, but its a real head scratcher. I got a key, but no way to open any doors with my main character and I cant shoot up the door, it does no damage. I got a sniper outside the prison, but she always gets swarmed by troops if I try to have her start shooting. And I got the fourth guy in my party but he does not show up in the map itself after I double click. There's my guy, RobertHouse (XD), the sniper and that guy. Am terrible with names.

Anyways, is the mod really working now? How the hell am I suppose to open the door? I got the key of the dead ncr guard.
He has a cattle prod too use that to destroy the door after that kill the mute look around for a shot gun and destroy the other door, then use the key on the master switch to open all the doors and now you can use Robert House.
RobertHouse said:
He has a cattle prod too use that to destroy the door after that kill the mute look around for a shot gun and destroy the other door, then use the key on the master switch to open all the doors and now you can use Robert House.
I think you should not change the doors, for it will make people who first play confused.
I didn't change the door, I just added the Cattle Prod to the dead NCR Soldier because I thought it took to long to destroy the door by Punching and Kicking.

If you want I can replace the destroyable doors with the standard doors?

Or what I would prefer to do is lower the doors HP and other stats so you could shoot, punch, kick, etc to destroy the door much faster like 1 or 2 hits?

Its up to you man.
I see, he said the doors hp can not drop, so I thought you changed the doors to 'prod open only', now I think your idea is great, but I can't try it.
Ya the doors are all the same, sorry you can't download it on Mod DB :( some time I will find another site for ya.
Hay does anyone know of a good screen recorder program? I could use to make a video of the first mission for Gunner and any one else that is stuck on the first mission.
Okay, I been playing a mod for a bit and just wanted to say my thing about it.

Its kinda disappointing, really. By the time I read here that I could use the cattle prod to destroy the door, I already had managed to get the sniper there and rescue them. It was many tries, she often got swarmed by these 3 BoS Knights that appeared out of nowhere and killed her, but I finally managed to do it.

However, there was still that matter of the fourth member of the squad whom I cant see or intereact with, and yet the enemy can attack and kill him. Ended with me forced to run over the place he was at and let him die so that I could exit the map. And then I reached the enclave vault, there is no place there to sell the stuff I had gathered and get good gear or stock up on ammo.

And then I get to the next mission, to intercept a convyo or something, and the characters I already had have been replaced by 4 "Marines" who have no weapons and are completely stuck on these pipes.

Either Something went wrong in setting this mod up or its very much incomplete.
Deadeye said:
And then I reached the enclave vault, there is no place there to sell the stuff I had gathered and get good gear or stock up on ammo.

You should trade your stuff with an AI machine for upgrade cards, upgrade your gear your base.