Old World Blues Qore Footage


But best title ever!
It appears that, now that the new Qore episode is up, footage from it is leaking on the net. First, some concept art:

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/sT8asG4xJ08?version=3&amp;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="349" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></center>
Then, the footage proper, including interviews with Chris Avellone and Bethesda's senior producer Jason Bergman:

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fsyjtYqF0aU?version=3&amp;hl=it_IT&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="349" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></center>
Thanks The Vault.
This looks really fancy.

/Edit: Yes, looks like a Scorpitron. Heh.
It's interesting to see the different versions of his cape / duster. Maybe he can become a follower up into the main game, where he switches the clothes, based on the players affiliation then?
Lexx said:
It's interesting to see the different versions of his cape / duster. Maybe he can become a follower up into the main game, where he switches the clothes, based on the players affiliation then?

Or maybe that was the concept in the original game, since he was a cut companion.
Ulysses had both an NCR and Legion set of clothing. Interesting. That was probably for when he was a companion in the core game. Doubt it has anything to do with the lonesome road Ulysses.
Can't say I'm impressed.. :| Too much wonky stuff in it, and after I was a bit disappointed with Honest Hearts I'll probably skip this (to whom am I lying here, ofcourse I'll play it :roll )

Sawyers Formspring saying that OWB will be the most "LOL!!" DLC of all didn't help either.
Old World Blues seemed like the most interesting DLC to me. By the looks so far, I was right.
But I thought Ulysses was going to appear in The Lonesome Road...
Maybe we'll finally see some carry over between the main game and the DLC? Regardless this is excellent. Brains flying around in saucers attached to UFOs, robot scorpions and a massive facility? Consider this bought.
Here is the Old World Blues segment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsyjtYqF0aU&feature=player_embedded

Chris says there that this focuses more on the dark humor of Fallout. Some of the stuff in the video is a bit too lulzy for me personally but hopefully they'll hit a nice tone with it. Ulysses voiceacting sounds awesome (what little is there in the vid).

So yeah, looks intriguing... but a bit out there for me perhaps.

Then again, I find that a lot of Avellone's ideas really does have me very skeptical at first because they really push things far at times. But they often win me over when I actually experience it.

Yeah, the only thing that I'm concerned with is the whole [spoiler:84a1618cf1]losing your brain[/spoiler:84a1618cf1] thing.

How the hell does that even begin to work?
I am a bit confused. Does Christine show up again? That would make it technically a slightly bit more complex, because of Dead Money 'n stuff. You would have to play it first, before Old World Blues, and so on.

Skynet said:
Seem like they used cut out charecter (brave little toaster)from Fallout 2 here?

Yes, talked about it already in the past weeks. :p So far the Big MT looks to me like a combination of Fallout 2's EPA with stuff from Van Buren and new elements.
AtomicSabotage said:
SO it looks like Ulysses might make an appearance in OWB?

IIRC he helped Christine in OWB's' area so I think that the appearance will be in audio logs.
Either by himself or there will be logs with him and Christine.