Old World Blues Qore Footage

Can only be the 13.06 (which is unlikely), the 20.6., which could be more likely or the 27.6. as last possible date.
New Reno is my all time favorite fallout scene but I see no connection with OWB. There was no hightec in Reno if you ignore laser pistols and SAD, and overall lulziness wasnt the thing that made it so damn good. There was sides to choose, people to chat with, fight with, fuck with... barter with... When I think of it, it is the only town in F2 with no pointless abandoned shacks. Maybe a bit off topic, but had to rant.
I finally got around to watching the Qore video. Excuse me.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Anyway, I thought I was going to like that toaster before, but after hearing his voice... I actually wish there was a quest branch where you assist the Toaster. I like him better than the think tanks...
Well there seems to be a Minigun with a DOg Brain attached to it, how stupid (but funny) would it be to make a gun out of the Toaster? maybe an energy weapon so you help him in his dreams of burning people.
Maybe the toaster is the "bigger threat" you can team up with the think tanks to stop.
Or betray the Think Tanks and assist the Toaster. What? The Think Tanks did kidnap you. Would you be enthusiastic about helping them?
Yes, we should be more elitist and hate much more. We are NMA, after all, we should destroy and burn.
Having fun with games and indugle in some lighthearted mocking? pffft NMA doesn't bother with that shit.
WelcomeToNewReno said:
Anyway, I thought I was going to like that toaster before, but after hearing his voice... I actually wish there was a quest branch where you assist the Toaster. I like him better than the think tanks...
I was actually thinking, it would be pretty lulzy if you could (if you have the Wild Wasteland trait) join the Toaster and receive a premature ending ala siding with Elijah in Dead Money.
We need hate? Okay, ummmm...

AAARRRGGGHHHH those think tanks suck! Do we really need a robobrain clone?!? BETHESDA must have something to do with this!!!