Old World Blues Qore Footage

WorstUsernameEver said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Why was VB an abortion?

Because it never came out? It was "literally" (why not? let's abuse this word some more!) killed before it was born.

Okidoki, I thought for a moment it was called that because of a perceived lack of quality regarding game design, content and so on.

I still consider a lot of it very good.
Now I remember why I thought Ulysses looks pretty familiar. :>

Badass Ronon from Stargate Atlantis:

It's a little bit of a cliche, in my opinion. The black, dread locked badass dude with vest or duster in brown / black leather style.

/Edit²: And from Andromeda, badass Tyr Anasazi:

Also Kurdy, the badass from Jeremiah:

Couldn't find a better pic of Curly now, but it has similarities.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Why was VB an abortion?

I would still take it over Fallout New Vegas and its DLCs (and Fallout 3 which is obvious) if it mean wiping those from existence in order for VB to exist.

I would take it even if if would mean wiping Todd Howard's genes.

Lexx said:
It's interesting to see the different versions of his cape / duster. Maybe he can become a follower up into the main game, where he switches the clothes, based on the players affiliation then?

That, or he automatically chooses an alignment opposite to the player.

NCR -> Legion
Legion -> NCR
Neutral/House -> Blue Star thingy

Am I the first to think of this?
archont said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Why was VB an abortion?

I would still take it over Fallout New Vegas and its DLCs (and Fallout 3 which is obvious) if it mean wiping those from existence in order for VB to exist.

I would take it even if if would mean wiping Todd Howard's genes.

Lexx said:
It's interesting to see the different versions of his cape / duster. Maybe he can become a follower up into the main game, where he switches the clothes, based on the players affiliation then?

That, or he automatically chooses an alignment opposite to the player.

NCR -> Legion
Legion -> NCR
Neutral/House -> Blue Star thingy

Am I the first to think of this?

Nope. I've been thinking it could have worked two ways:

1. As described above
2. Like the other companion quests, at the end of Ulysses' quest, you can convince him to pick one side or the other, or to remain neutral and keep searching. After which, he would don the duster with the faction you choose, and would either continue to help or maybe even oppose you depending on how you ended the game.

If he was intended to be like either of those things, I can't believe he was cut. I bet his quest(s) would have better than Boone's/Arcade's.

So the two couriers are to battle. While they could kiss and make up after trying to strangle one with the other's dangling intestines, I doubt he'll ever be friendly. More of a rehashed Kaga I think.
Same Footage, but full HD version, credits goes to Archon. He extracted it from PSN and did some nice hex-edit in order to make it work. This is the last version of his work.

Enjoy !


Looks quite plausible.
So the Big MT lies in a big crater. Good idea to keep the worldspace size small and with a natural border.
I'm loving all the wacky things OWB is said to be about!

Fallout can have many sides, and being a huge fan of the FO2 and its humor, I did miss these things in FO3. Also in NV too (without Wild Wasteland on, but even with it on there was too few of wackiness :D ).
sea said:
exmachinax said:
I'm loving all the wacky things OWB is said to be about!

Fallout can have many sides, and being a huge fan of the FO2 and its humor, I did miss these things in FO3. Also in NV too (without Wild Wasteland on, but even with it on there was too few of wackiness :D ).
I don't want "wackiness". Humour is one thing, stupidity is another. Fallout 2 fell too often into the wacky side of things. I like the aesthetic of Old World Blues and its focus on technology, as well as its (potentially) less serious tone, but it's very easy to have that slide into outright idiocy and lulz. Fallout 2 has always felt a good deal out of place in some respects, especially now that we have New Vegas establishing the current tone for the series. I don't think anyone wants to end up with another New Reno, or exploding outhouses raining cow shit.

I want another New Reno
So does this remind everyone else of Fallout: Tactics with all the sci-fi stuff?

I honestly don't mind the wackiness as long as no aliens are involved. Ulysses and Christine will probably only appear in audio diary form à la Bioshock.
Eeeeh, this DLC looks really silly. Talking toasters and erotic light switches? Is this their mothership zeta?
korindabar said:
Eeeeh, this DLC looks really silly. Talking toasters and erotic light switches? Is this their mothership zeta?

Still looks better than mothership zeta. At least you're not walking through hallways that look exactly the same killing enemies that look exactly the same for three hours (hopefully).

Did MZ even have a plot? If so, I must have missed it.