Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Human brains in robot bodies, hey i was pretty close.
Walpknut said:Rather than WOrld domination, it is craving orld destruction. It would be funny if they included a secret ending where the Toaster manages to destroy the world, but it would be far too idiotic to fit XD
Mr Krepe said:^^^^^^
No it would be like (imagine Ron Perlman saying this):
And thus, the Courier while making crumpets, fell for the toasters trap. The toaster attached himself to a wandering molereat and eventually, arrived at New Vegas. Connecting himself to Yes-Man's mainframe, the toaster, used his new power to take over the Mojave, and then the world...
WorstUsernameEver said:Walpknut said:Rather than WOrld domination, it is craving orld destruction. It would be funny if they included a secret ending where the Toaster manages to destroy the world, but it would be far too idiotic to fit XD
Make it require Wild Wasteland and you've solved the idiocy problem.
Courier said:Christine will probably only appear as pre-recorded audio diaries from her time at the Big Empty so it will be Christine in Pre-Dead Money form.
Surf Solar said:Honestly, all this wacky shit which surfaced so far even surpasses Fallout 3s level of idiocy. Avellone best have secret thingy waiting there to buy me for this DLC.
Surf Solar said:Also, how and where was Dead Money "Funny"? If it was, then I'm glad I missed it.
Surf Solar said:more flying magic robots with brains in them, etc... I don't know, this always turned me off in Fallout and I was glad that not much of this stuff was in Vanilla NV...
Lexx said:Surf Solar said:more flying magic robots with brains in them, etc... I don't know, this always turned me off in Fallout and I was glad that not much of this stuff was in Vanilla NV...
You mean like Floating Eyes, Mr. Handys, or Robobrains? They are in the Fallout world since the first game and all are working due to Science!... So why is it a problem in OWB now?
I don't know, this always turned me off in Fallout and I was glad that not much of this stuff was in Vanilla NV...
Courier said:Well the Big Empty is a pre-war research facility so I'd expect for their to be some SCIENCE! stuff there. Just like the EPA in Fallout 2.