We're working on the mod replacing the village of Arroyo with a city after the end game sequence, and we've run into a problem: The bridge. A simple line bridge that had originally lead to Arroyo doesn't seem to match the grandeur of the new city.
So we would like to have it replaced. We could use some help, as we don't have a graphic artist on the team. The task would be to craete a bridge graphic, from scratch or perhaps using the tiles from the San Fran pier.
Of course, anyone willing to assist us would get an honorable mention in the mod credits. If you are able and willing to help give me a PM or mail.
So we would like to have it replaced. We could use some help, as we don't have a graphic artist on the team. The task would be to craete a bridge graphic, from scratch or perhaps using the tiles from the San Fran pier.
Of course, anyone willing to assist us would get an honorable mention in the mod credits. If you are able and willing to help give me a PM or mail.