Pyro, already redone everything, nothing is Murdock's.
All i am finishing up right now is the Population growth of critters and people, and the advanced version of the economics. When i am finished i will post.
And this is the way i see it. when it is posted i do not give a rat's dirty behind who uses it for what, as it is created to have fun, not be lorded over as MY creation, you MUST ask me!
Here is a little snippet, you can have scouts, and to be exact if you wish to find more resources and salvage you must have them. They come in 2 flavors:
1. Foot scout, which can move one square, or scout a Fallout map sized square.
2. Motorized scout, which can move 2 squares, or move one and scout one.
For construction, you need resources, not just money, for example,
Elementary School: 5000
Function: Used to raise education level of untrained personnel by one. For the cost of 1000 credits
Costs: 5,000 Credits, 2 tons tin, 1 tons concrete, .5 tons steel
Time to educate: 3 IC Months
Maximum number of students: 6
An example of Professions,
Miner/Factory Worker/Farmer
All Miners and Workers must start out as untrained civilians, then be trained as a basic miner/worker by a master miner/worker in an elementary school.
Construction Workers (Build buildings): 535 Credits
Experienced Construction Worker: Can only be trained in Middle Schools. 15% efficiency increase
Master Construction Worker: Can only be trained in Colleges. 30% efficiency increase. Cumulative with Exp. increase
Basic Factory Worker (Works in factories): 535 Credits
Experienced Factory Worker: Can only be trained in Middle Schools. 15% efficiency increase
Master Factory Worker: Can only be trained in Colleges. 30% efficiency increase. Cumulative with Exp. increase
Basic Miner (Works in mines): 535 Credits
Experienced Miner: Can only be trained in Middle Schools. 15% efficiency increase
Master Miner: Can only be trained in Colleges. 30% efficiency increase. Cumulative with Exp. increase
So Pyro you can see i have put a lot of detail into it.
Cheers Thorgrimm