OOC-Fallout California 2nd chance

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Thanks man, I always thought I sucked so thanks. That really just made my day. If Fallout: California/Fallout: Rebirth of Civilization really gets off the ground, I'd so love the potential of a sim/fallout RP . I'm so in! Thanks again Pyro:)
All right.

This ought to be fun, with you guys with your spirits up. Always cool to create, isnt it? :)

Anyway, I know Syphon wanted something like this a long time ago, and am glad to see you are here, Syphon.


Roguehex got busy with school and dropped off the boards a long while ago. Perhaps he will come back one day, but don't count on it.
Wait a second.

I didn't ever insult Maniac or actively do anything against him.
The only thing I did which ticked some people off was shut down the website of the FORPG Network because it was my server, my webspace and the freaking game was as dead as it is now.
Some people didn't want to migrate to Vault0 were people started a new Network like I suggested to them, but frankly, I don't care. I told them to make a new Network elsewhere if they thought they were capable of resurrecting it, but apart from busting bubbles I didn't do anything.

I don't know what SCUZ did, nor do I care because I'm not responsible for other people's fuck-ups.
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