OOC- Zombie Apocalypse Chapter 2- General Discussion

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welsh said:
I would also think that a mistake of Chapter 2 was also found in Chapter 1- lack of organization. Chap 2 was more complex as you had two different armed groups. Had these groups united, things might have worked out differently, but to be fair the commanders of the USAF operation were resistant to cooperation.

This game emphasizes divisions among people, secrets, and individual ambitions. But survival requires cooperation.

Overall, I thought you guys did fairly well. More rifles on the roofs, defense in depth, and you might have better defended the diner. Oh well.

Handy- can you give a run down on who is wounded, infected and who is ok. YOu can pm me.
yeah well, gotta play your chars by their characters. Luke for instance probably had the authority to organise people, due to sheer skill in survival and shooting, but it's simply not in his character to take charge.

so sure, he could've put up a better coordinated defense, but then it wouldn't have been Luke anymore. i prefer integrity over survival. :)

also in my opinion, communication was the greatest problem, not organisation. but still, no organisation is possible without communication.
Mr handy,
Can I reserve a character for now even if I want to change my mind later? Cause right now I would like to play the sniper but I may change my mind. Let me know please
Major props to you for playing your character true to form even at risk to survival. Luke always was something of a loner, and it's fitting that he ended the chapter alone on the garage roof. He survived just fine regardless - it's others whose chances for survival suffered.

Yes, lack of communication was probably the greatest problem. Ironic, considering that the USAF group's mission and specialty is communications.

Which sniper do you mean? Bobby Sheen is up for grabs, so you can reserve him if you like. If you mean Simone Dawkins, I'd really rather give our new players first crack at the new characters since that's all they have to choose from. If you reserve a character and change your mind, you can always release him or her as long as I haven't sent you secrets yet, and I won't until you confirm that you're sure you want the character.
Okay, sounds good. You've got Bobby Sheen reserved now, and he's a good choice. He was played by Lt. Col. Gonzalez before for a little while, so if he decides to rejoin the game before Chapter 3 starts he should return to his original player, but otherwise he's yours if you decide you want him.
Here are the skill XP rolls for Stompie's characters. Overall, I think he'll be pleased with them. Plenty of increases, and all of his characters got good to excellent boosts to their Rifle skills. Most of them got decent Spot Hidden improvement as well. I'll update the character sheets themselves later this afternoon.

Psychology ( 53 ) did not increase
Spot Hidden ( 45 ) increased by 7 to 52
Rifle ( 66 ) increased by 4 to 70

Natural History ( 25 ) did not increase
Fast Talk ( 45 ) did not increase
Spot Hidden ( 30 ) did not increase
Listen ( 40 ) increased by 6 to 46
Rifle ( 50 ) increased by 5 to 55
First Aid ( 50 ) increased by 2 to 52
Biology ( 55 ) did not increase

Airman Justin Hockey:
Spot Hidden ( 55 ) increased by 3 to 58
Machine Gun ( 80 ) did not increase
Rifle ( 65 ) increased by 9 to 74
Sneak ( 70 ) increased by 4 to 74

Acting Senior Airman Manuel Ortega:
Spot Hidden ( 65 ) increased by 4 to 69
Rifle ( 65 ) increased by 9 to 74
Mr. Handy,
So why the new rules? I see that Stompie has 4 characters. I had 4 but 2 died through my stupidity. But now we can only pick 1 new one for a total of 3? Why cannot we pick 2 more to make it 4?
You certainly can pick 2 more for a total of 4, though you can't have more than 4 characters total at any one time.

The new rules are for picking new characters. I want to give each new player a chance to pick at least one new character each before current players can take them. Current players can freely choose any of the characters from the first two chapters, but new players probably won't have read them and can only choose new characters. Once all the new players have chosen at least their first character, I'll open up the remaining characters for everyone. I'm working on the last two batches of new characters now, and they should be done within a couple of weeks.

Also, Wallace has been bitten, so he won't last forever. It was only a 1 point bite, which means he can last longer than most, but he's still ultimately done for. I haven't heard anything from Stompie in about six weeks, so I don't know if he'll be returning or not.
so right now i can pick a character from the old two chapters. and then when the new players pick their characters from the new ones if there are any left I can pick from them correct?
Yes, that's right. You can take Bobby Sheen as well as a new character from whoever is left after the new players choose. You might want to hold off confirming you want him, however, in case there are two new characters you want. I'm most of the way done the character sheets for the second batch of characters. Then I'll draw up their backgrounds and secrets, and finally I'll finish up the third batch.
Suaside- I think you played Luke very well and quite consistently. I thought your effort to save Azadeh was an interesting choice. And I agree- communications is a problem in this game. Lots of people, doing lots of things.

A quick look at the survivors and it seems that most of the survivors were those with least exposure to danger, but with weaker survival skills.
That's quite true. Largely it was the characters with better survival skills who took greater risks, and thus bore the brunt of the danger. Those without survival skills remained where it was comparatively safe, and they had others protecting them. Mrs. Foo and Rosie probably have the least survival skills, and they made it through without a scratch. Losing so many characters with good survival skills will hurt later on, however. This is essentially a war of attrition. Human losses are pretty much irreplaceable. As the veteran front-line troops fall, greener, less skilled people will have to fill in for them, gaining the necessary experience the hard way or dying in the attempt.
Mr. Handy,
Are we making the move soon to the other board? Have you finished all characters so that we might get a chance to look at them? Have you heard from the guy whose character I was going to take if he did not show up?
I've completely finished the airfield characters and the USAF reinforcements, which just leaves one more group of characters to finish. I hope to have most of them done tonight. I'm still waiting for Welsh to create a new forum on Play@Yog-Sothoth before we can move there. Lt. Col. Gonzalez has been on the forums here recently, but he hasn't said anything to me about wanting to rejoin the game, so you can most likely take over Bobby Sheen.
Okay, I'm sending you Bobby Sheen's secrets now. Now you have three characters, so this will limit you to one more.

I didn't get to finish the character sheets last weekend as I was busier than I thought I'd be on Monday. I should get them done this coming weekend, but I might not get all of their secrets and descriptions done then.
I've been communicating with Welsh by PM over the last day or two about getting a forum set up there. I'm hoping it'll be created this week so I can start posting character sheets and information. I hope to have all of that done by the end of this coming weekend and to start playing on the 15th or 16th.
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