Stompie said:
ahhh, Comeon, SuAside; We all know nationalism has no place in Armoury. The M-60 killed all the same.
nationalism? well, that's only part of it...
if you take a step back you'll see the M60 was barely adequate for it's mission. 'quick' barrelchange was hard, hot (gloves needed) & tricky, full sustained fire was impossible because the weapon would overheat and jam repeatedly, craptic firing pin design...
the supposedly enhanced version of the M60 was even worse, even more fragile. (which is why the US then addopted the M240 MAG in small numbers)
who could blame a belgian to be proud of FN Herstal?
FN FAL ('50s)
FN MAG ('50s)
FN FNC (late '70s)
FN Minimi / SAW (early '80s)
FN/Browning HP BDA ('83)
FN P90
FN F2000 (2001)
FN SCAR (2004)
that's pretty much hit after hit after hit. (there are others as well, just listed the most reputable ones)
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Ahhh... Weapons discussion. If you are looking for good machine guns you might want to check out the MAG light machine gun
light is but a word, the mofo weighs 12kg

but the tradeoff is that it's the most reliable 7.62mm support weapon in the world
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
(, a relative of the SAW in 7.62 variant, currently in use by many countries as Great Britain and Argentina.
the MAG is the granddaddy of the SAW
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Even the US have a variant ( wich it is curiously called the M240 instead of M249 SAW wich the US Army actually describes more as an automatic rifle than as a light machine gun.
why curiously named? Mxxx is a standard designation for a squad support weapon. you cant name 2 weapons the same. i don't get what you're trying to say.
Stompie said:
To be honest; I wish the U.S. would Drop the M-16 already, and either take up the M8, or H&K G-36.
how about FN F2000, FN SCAR-L and FN SCAR-H ?
the SCAR's are in the SOCOM project as we speak.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Also, it is said that the Argentine Military has preferred the the 7.62 caliber for too long, and it is time for them to change to the 5.56 caliber for assault rifles.
Nevertheless, Argentine Army main rifle is still the 7.62 FN FAL and curiously some european countries are considering returning to 7.62 calibers for assault rifles due to the same advantages most Argentine Military have defended all this time: better accuracy (the deviation effects caused by wind and other obstacles like leaves from trees and other vegetation are considerably lessen compared to its 5.56 counterpart), a better stopping power, a better armor penetration, the ability of causing more damage at greater ranges and most importantly the assured one-shot-kill capability of the 7.62 mm round.
By the way: Are we going to see any FN FAL's during this roleplay?
DSA variants at best i'd say. but those would probably be with the nazi muffins
and yeah 7.62mm is imo far superior to 5.56mm. i hope our army soon adopts the FN SCAR series the -H variant being 7.62mm. it is also able to accept 'battlepickup' 7.62mm russian btw.
our spec ops use the FNC, FN P90, FN F2000 and FN SCAR depending on the mission requirements.
Stompie said:
FN-FAL's are all arround good guns. My only problem with the weapon is its barrel length. I would like to see a Bull-pup variant of a FN-FAL.
you have to remember the FAL was first released in the '50s. back then, there was 1 bullpup rifle, which failed misserably.
as for striving for bullpup: the F2000 is bullpup, but the FN SCAR's aren't because the US Army said it would not even consider buying them if they had been bullpup.
go figure...
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Actually if you check on the link I provided in my las post you will see two variants of the FN FAL that might meet that requirement:
The one modified for SWAT teams
And a shortened paratroopers version that is also locally produced and widely used by the Argentine Army, not only by paratroopers.
simply shortening the barrel is no solution Gonzy. it decreases accuracy and power.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Frankly I am not convinced at all by the Idea of a bull-pup version of the FN FAL.
and with good reason. a bullpup FAL wouldnt be a FAL. the technology of the FAL is now 50 years old, remember? rather turn to newer techniques, like the SCAR's which are extraordinarily resillient and have a huge amount of interchangeable parts inbetween the 4 versions. (and has special features such as being fully ambidexterous, which also includes being able to change the side where the bullet cartridge jumps out of the gun)