You know, one thing you do have to say about Fallout 3, is that the load screen was well done... sure, the jokes were a over-campy, and the germanic heroism wasn't a traditional Fallout theme, but after a while it started to grow on you. If you can ignore the campy humour, and just watch the slides pass by as you listen to that mournful dirge, you start to image an everyeman hero, burning himself up on behalf of people who will never care for him...
It's just you and dogmeat, wandering the wastes.
Then you watch this idiotic video. It's script is more hackneyed and less justified than the Matrix (you can just feel the writers 'engineering' - not writing! - a line that wouldn't come across as a blatant ripoff), and it is so obviusly an excuse for spurious content. Everything that's wrong with the game comes swirling back.
Damnit, Fallout used to mean something! I cried when the Vault Dweller was cast out - and each one of his companions, Dogmeat and all, when they met their final resting place I didn't try to wake them; they'd earned their peace.
But that ship has sailed.
I think I've finally figured out what genre the game is: it's an RPG where you play as a guy playing an FPS.