Operation: Anchorage trailer

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Bethesda put up a trailer of Operation: Anchorage in case you need some material to make up your purchasing mind. Grab it in HD/SD in WMV or MP4 from the Bethesda site.
I know it's been said a hundred times or more by now, but to me, now more than ever, this looks like nothing more than a shooter. Maybe it's not even a bad one, I don't know and frankly I don't care, but if this is supposed to be regarded as (a part of) a true Fallout sequel, someone, somewhere made some awful developing mistakes along the way.

For me, the Fallout saga started with Fallout and ended with Fallout 2. Mayhaps it was short, but dawgunnit, it was fucking sweeeeeeeeeeeet.

I'm ready for battle.

"We're sure that this base has some high tech equipment but you need to complete the VR Simulation first. Any attempts to circumvent this VR simulation by oh, say, going around to the other side of the facility and blowing a hole in the side of the wall with all of the explosives and stuff we've undoubtedly found before then, have resulted in failure. Good luck. Oh and for some reason, if you die in the virtual world, you die in the real one. Bai."

ONE WRITER. At least ONE good writer.
You know, one thing you do have to say about Fallout 3, is that the load screen was well done... sure, the jokes were a over-campy, and the germanic heroism wasn't a traditional Fallout theme, but after a while it started to grow on you. If you can ignore the campy humour, and just watch the slides pass by as you listen to that mournful dirge, you start to image an everyeman hero, burning himself up on behalf of people who will never care for him...

It's just you and dogmeat, wandering the wastes.

Then you watch this idiotic video. It's script is more hackneyed and less justified than the Matrix (you can just feel the writers 'engineering' - not writing! - a line that wouldn't come across as a blatant ripoff), and it is so obviusly an excuse for spurious content. Everything that's wrong with the game comes swirling back.

Damnit, Fallout used to mean something! I cried when the Vault Dweller was cast out - and each one of his companions, Dogmeat and all, when they met their final resting place I didn't try to wake them; they'd earned their peace.

But that ship has sailed.

I think I've finally figured out what genre the game is: it's an RPG where you play as a guy playing an FPS.
I love how you see the models awkwards movements in the trailer. it's like they don't even realize how retarded it looks.
Todd: "Guys. Seriously, guys, we need MOAR SHOOTING. Quickly, come up with a huge fucking battle with laser and stuff."

Beth worker: "Uh... I recall that there was a battle in Alaska before the war, where US fought China. We *could* put a simulation of it somewhere and give a half-assed reason for it to be there, but I don't think this is a---"

Todd: "DO IT!"
Amer said:
Completed. It's a dumb linear shooter from the year 2000. Yay!
It actually reminded me of one of the more recent Eat Lead videos where they showed him gunning down some Wolfenstein-era sprites. Run down the corridor, reach a certain point to trigger enemies running out to take cover behind some crates, after that battle is over hit up the health/ammo station... rinse/repeat.
Well, this is obviously for them, not for us, and honestly, I say let them have their fun. We already have it straight from Beth's mouth that FO3, as a shooter, is mediocre at best. If they get this thing to be what it looks like they want it to be despite that fact, it'll be a feat worthy of kudos, regardless of what it means for our poor beleaguered fandom.

Where once we had a game world, now we have a franchise... *sigh*