Feb 28, 2016 #21 The Vault Dweller always looking for water. I'm on wildmushroomhunting.org both to help identify and get help identifying what I find. It's also allowed me to communicate with a few scientists on things to study.
I'm on wildmushroomhunting.org both to help identify and get help identifying what I find. It's also allowed me to communicate with a few scientists on things to study.
Feb 28, 2016 #22 Gonzalez Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! This is probably the only forum I still visit. Social networks and Whatsapp groups has replaced most of my need for them.
This is probably the only forum I still visit. Social networks and Whatsapp groups has replaced most of my need for them.
Mar 3, 2016 #24 cordelionreaver Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? Nexus mods forums and the Freakin Awesome Network.
Mar 3, 2016 #25 Atomkilla Hazel Hegemon oTO Orderite Speaking of forums, are any of you guys on Duck and Cover by any chance? Is that place still alive?
Mar 5, 2016 #26 AskWazzup Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! reddit - for everything anandtech - for tech phoronix - for linux
Mar 6, 2016 #27 Makta The DICKtator d2jsp due to trading ingame stuff all over the place. Been there since 2006. When i think of it all my older forums are gone for godo so i only use NMA and jsp right now i think.
d2jsp due to trading ingame stuff all over the place. Been there since 2006. When i think of it all my older forums are gone for godo so i only use NMA and jsp right now i think.
Mar 6, 2016 #28 Sn1p3r187 Carolinian Shaolin Monk I also visit mspa forums. But that place is a little too strictly moderated.