This ghoul has seen it all

So to make it short, I got into Diamond city for the first time on this save, went directly for the Weapon Crafting station and started using it, then the Piper and her sister cutscene started playing while I was in carfting mode which got really freaky so I exited the crafting station but now my character model and my camera are completely separate entities, I keep falling through the ground but reapearing on the starting point as soon as I go bello ground to then start falling again, sometimes it falls so fast it gets dizzying. I already tried TCL, TFC1, player.moveto, recycleactor, even COC to somewhere else but I just stay in that mode. I can't reload to a previous save because that one was 2 hours ago, I was playing Survival with a mod that lets me create a quicksave so I am out of options... Anyone knows what to do other than uninstalling the game?