Out of the Shadows, a Fallout 3 Lead Designer Steps

It isn't, really. We've had a lot of glowing condoms express their enthusiasm. We don't know shit about what Beth's going/was supposed to announce the first days of November, we don't know shit about FO3, and we don't know shit about FO1 canon being used as a base for the upcoming game.

Hello? Reality check? Anyone?
Wooz said:
It isn't, really. We've had a lot of glowing condoms express their enthusiasm. We don't know shit about what Beth's going/was supposed to announce the first days of November, we don't know shit about FO3, and we don't know shit about FO1 canon being used as a base for the upcoming game.

Hello? Reality check? Anyone?

The game from Nov. is Rogue Trooper, an expansion of Oblivion is also in the making. We know very little about FO3, and less about canon in the game, that's true, just that it is going to be a first/third person horror/adventure game with SPECIAL giving some RPG flavour and it will use the same tech from Oblivion, will be rated mature and is going to piss a lot of people :D

Ah well we're just starting Wooz, i agree that people are speculating a bit too much, but we're good at it :D
Wooz said:
That sounds like Todd Batman Ebola sandwiches for an orphanage.

Proofs, Fer Frith's Sake. A lot of people can say stuff.
He has a bethosft.com e-mail addy. Since people can't change their e-mail adresses without confirming it through that e-mail, I'd say that's proof enough.

I dislike him agreeing with Todd, though. I mean, hell, Todd's designs so far sucked roleplaying-wise.
st0lve said:

That guy is atleast a developer, if he is currently working at Beth is another question, and if it's the guy writing that stuff himself and not a phoney 12 year old.
He is a Bethesda developer, since Bloodmoon, if I'm not mistaken; he's still there, and he is the FO3 lead designer (has been confirmed by Ashley Cheng months ago).
sidelining all the voiced doubts, can I be cautiously optimistic about his appointment as lead designer? Sure, it's no "Chris Taylor made lead!", but still...
Did anybody play Bloodmoon and how was the RPG aspect of it?

Anyway, I agree with Wooz. This could pretty much mean anything, he could be real, he could be familiar with the canon, he could be a much better designer than Todd, but in the end FO3 might still suck donkey balls.
I remember BLoodmoon had a sweet new landmass and the new monsters and items made for some sweet cartography. :)

The main quest regarding the werewolves and the return of some douchebag lycan god was a little lacking, but being a werewolf was badass. There was also a sidequest involving developing a trade outpost for an Imperial company that got bigger as you furthered the company's ends. Eventually it would turn into a fully functional small town, but I sort of killed some quest-essential NPCs as a werewolf, so I never got around to finishing that quest line. The only real "roleplaying" decision involved was whether or not you became a werewolf or not, which mostly was whether or not you let the infection run its course. You still had to fight the God at the end, though.

It was a good expansion, but it wasn't really anything significant roleplaying-wise.
slamelov said:
Good News, Emil worked for Looking Glass and Ion Storm Austin, but he left the Thief 3 Project because didn't like the "consolization" of the game. (He used other words).
i bet he did...

if he left due to consolization on Thief i fail to see how he could've possibily have worked on The Empty Scrolls 4: Oblivious (even if he worked on the 'better parts').

either way, the 'news' doesn't change any of pessimism towards FO3.

also, i keep wondering why Beth doesn't contact the community. we have some of the most knowledgeable people here and at DaC. people that have studied the setting, people that know each feature and can recount fallout history without having to check the Bible & consorts.
contact a few of those, slap them with an NDA (with heavy fines on it) and hear them out or run some stuff past them? if nothing else it would soothe some of the fanboys. :)
Bradylama said:
It was a good expansion, but it wasn't really anything significant roleplaying-wise.
It was an expansion to Morrowind after all, you couldn't expect anything different apart from some new quests and different scenery. Even with the Werewolf decision, it was more of a "treat the disease", "do nothing" rather than an option, almost exactly like having vampirism.
Bloodmoon had two main questlines, the werewolf prophecy and the colony, and both questlines had two different paths.
if he left due to consolization on Thief i fail to see how he could've possibily have worked on The Empty Scrolls 4: Oblivious (even if he worked on the 'better parts').

Probably because The Elder Scrolls aren't a property he was fond of beforehand.
Bradylama said:
if he left due to consolization on Thief i fail to see how he could've possibily have worked on The Empty Scrolls 4: Oblivious (even if he worked on the 'better parts').

Probably because The Elder Scrolls aren't a property he was fond of beforehand.

He even says in the interview he was a fan of Daggerfall and Arena.
Play Within The Play

Play Within The Play

Didn't we all play Hillsfar just for the lockpicking minigame?

Lock picking puzzles, that became an acquired taste for some.

There was Real Time (?) arena fighting right? Well some sort of one on one that took skill-zz.

But the ''hooves'' down favorite was the trekking, that travel between towns that was always a steeple chase.

The equestrian (2-D) JUMPING PUZZLES! ROOLed till we drooled.

Hillsfar, yes, that may become the latest hoof print for Nex Gen game design to trail behind.

The irritating, out of context, - dysfunctional - games with in the game.
The play with in the play, yes very Shakespearian.

Reinvented, chocolate DIPPED, pixie flared sugar coated for maximum box shifting.

that emil could´ve posted this on our boards, too.

but thats just a sidenote. :whistle:

maybe he likes DaC more than us, maybe he dont gives a shit what the NMA fans think... or maybe DaC is just better... who said that?!
dude, why do you keep whining about the socalled fight between DaC and NMA? man, lay off, we aren't warring cults that hate eachother.
SuAside said:
dude, why do you keep whining about the socalled fight between DaC and NMA?.

i mean just for the comfort, so i dont have to switch the forums. hehe

SuAside said:
man, lay off, we aren't warring cults that hate eachother.

one guy from DaC said, that NMA sucks. :whistle: but okay.

sorry my fault. back to topic. :twisted: