First time out of the vault

Positives: Loved the scientist characters and the location. The new item and NPC additions were interesting. Voice acting was generally very good. As many have noted, the sense of humor is excellent here.
Negatives: Exploration of the area was unsatisfying because there was very little of interest to find. Plenty of the usual ammo and useless misc items (plungers, ash trays, etc., etc.), but few instances of story-expanding holodisks, computer terminals, or random NPC conversations. Too many cases of finding something that *looks* like it should be really important or revelatory, only to find it's not (e.g. the village model at the weather testing station). [This is an area where I think New Vegas overall feels weak compared to FO3.]
For shame: The usual technical problems.
This DLC is *so* close to being amongst the best additions to the Fallout universe. As it is, it falls short of that. I think another few months spent filling-out the locations in Big MT would've made a big difference.
Grade: B-
Negatives: Exploration of the area was unsatisfying because there was very little of interest to find. Plenty of the usual ammo and useless misc items (plungers, ash trays, etc., etc.), but few instances of story-expanding holodisks, computer terminals, or random NPC conversations. Too many cases of finding something that *looks* like it should be really important or revelatory, only to find it's not (e.g. the village model at the weather testing station). [This is an area where I think New Vegas overall feels weak compared to FO3.]
For shame: The usual technical problems.
This DLC is *so* close to being amongst the best additions to the Fallout universe. As it is, it falls short of that. I think another few months spent filling-out the locations in Big MT would've made a big difference.
Grade: B-