OXM US also has a go at a New Vegas preview

They were develpoping an (Edit) Aliens RPG and they are developing a Spy RPG (Alpha Protocol). I am not sure 3rd or 1st person POV but both games are/were based on modern 3d engines. So I think they have some experience, although it is still untested at this point (Ps: Unless one considers Kotor 2 as experience in 3d gaming)
Not an AvP RPG, an Aliens RPG.

And all of this makes their experience pretty thin, I'm not sure I'd depend on Obsidian to fix Fallout 3 engine's rather tepid FPS combat.
Sander said:
Neil, a super mutant who hates Tabitha, can help you storm the mountain
Yay for not-dumb and non-cannibalistic Super Muties. :)

Sander said:
Tabitha is actually a male super mutant gone completely insane
So the earlier magazines saying that Tabitha was a transsexual were correct on this. Even if they still referred to him as "she" and "her".

Can't say I'm really looking forward to that. :|

Sander said:
"Skill magazines" you find in New Vegas will only temporarily boost your skills
Hoorah for gameplay balance! Hopefully this will rule out the 100% on all skills exploit from Fallout 3. :clap:

Sander said:
The combat gameplay was tweaked to be more first-person-shootery
This is good. Fallout 3 failed to be an RPG, but also failed to be an FPS. New Vegas looks to exceed in both aspects where Fallout 3 failed, and I like it.
I'm assuming temporary magazines would not work like a drug. They might raise your effective skill level but you still need to spend the skill points to catch up and raise it beyond the inflated level.