OXM US also has a go at a New Vegas preview


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
At The Vault the always busy Ausir gives us some details on the OXM US Preview of Fallout New Vegas. <blockquote><ul>[*]Character creation is virtually identical to Fallout 3, with cosmetic changes like the Gene Projector being replaced by ReflectionTM, "You're SPECIAL!" by Vit-o-Matic machine and GOAT by a psychological test[*]The local super mutants are pretty tough and will keep you from wandering aimlessly in the early portions of the game - they tend to be tougher even than deathclaws[*]Sunny Smiles' dog is named Cheyenne. They'll assist you with the Powder Gangers in the Ghost Town Firefight quest if you help her kill some geckos.[*]The Varmint Rifle is a low-power .22 that does significant damage to limbs and has a high critical bonus[*]If your Barter skill is high enough, Chet the shopkeeper give you the 9-Iron golf club and some weapon mods
Every skill will have use in conversations at various points[*]Each firearm has a maximum of three modification slots. Once you affix a mod to a gun, it's permanent. Hunting Rifle modification examples given are scope, custom action and extended clip.[*]Temporary followers, like the Goodsprings folks that can help you defeat the Powder Gangers, will also be controlled through the companion wheel[*]Concept art of Hoover Dam and screenshots of the Black Mountain radio tower and the character standing inside the mouth of Dinky the Dinosaur shown
With high local reputation at Goodsprings, you'll get a free bed to sleep in and a discount at the store[*]Neil, a super mutant who hates Tabitha, can help you storm the mountain
Tabitha is actually a male super mutant gone completely insane
"Skill magazines" you find in New Vegas will only temporarily boost your skills[*]There's a rollercoaster in Primm[*]The combat gameplay was tweaked to be more first-person-shootery</blockquote>
Sander said:
<blockquote><ul>[*]The combat gameplay was tweaked to be more first-person-shootery</blockquote>

now, this is an interesting point which I bet a lot of people are gonna freak out over. but I can only take is as something positive, because Fallout 3 really sucked in this area. besides the minor stuff like bad weapon sounds, two things come to mind: 1. there was no real aiming down your sight, just a weird zoom effect that didn't help much at all - 2. the sniper rifle didn't have much more zoom than any other weapon, which kinda eliminated the whole sniper aspect to it.

I really hope this means they balance combat a bit, making you less reliant on V.A.T.S. and making real-time combat feel more fluent and more like a good FPS.
jero cvmi said:
i just hope it's an RPG with shooter intermissions, not the other way round. I know... high hopes...

honestly I will be happy if it means the game is an alright FPS instead of the worst parts of RPG's and FPSes
Hey all it means is that the shooter part will be more like a shooter. Nothing wrong with that.

FPS and RPG parts don't have to correlate actually. You can combat like a FPS but playing the rest of the game like a RPG. That's what I hope for.
"Skill magazines" you find in New Vegas will only temporarily boost your skills

This doesn't make any sense. They should limit the number of mags found in the wasteland, or just up until what skill level they can increase the ability (like in F1) but not do this shit.

The perfect way'd be if they tied reading books with Intelligence - you learn more if you know how to fucking learn. (Also like the classic games did). And if you're dumb, you might not even know how to read at all. ;)
pexxx said:
Skill magazines" you find in New Vegas will only temporarily boost your skills

I hope it´s something journalist just didn´t get right again.

I don't see the problem with this either. anything to make it harder to max skills is good imo.
"Skill magazines" you find in New Vegas will only temporarily boost your skills

(Yes the following has the condition "if they manage to implement it correctly")

This might actually be a decent way to use books (and holodisks and other stuff) in the game. If I understand this correctly, the skillbooks will act as technichal manuals, blueprints and/or detailed instructions that allows you to overcome hard problems. (Reminds me the I.C.E Picks from System Shock games) Also this way "Combat Monkey"s won't be stuck when their paths cross "Thief" or "Science" paths

*As a reminder, Fallout 3 used the skill books horribly. Between the Bobbleheads and Books each skill had a +60 free skill points which contributed to the imbalance in the game. This is probably a way to solve that problem without removing the pre-war artifacts from the game but it does make me wonder, as it also hints that the skill cap is still 100...
The local super mutants are pretty tough and will keep you from wandering aimlessly in the early portions of the game - they tend to be tougher even than deathclaws

thats reaaally really good. Unfortunately I think all the kids who loved FO3 and are adept of a "SHOOT TEH MONSTAH" style of game are going to be pretty disappointed.
Radiated Heinz said:
thats reaaally really good. Unfortunately I think all the kids who loved FO3 and are adept of a "SHOOT TEH MONSTAH" style of game are going to be pretty disappointed.

Who cares, they can "fix" their game with mods. It should be easier this way around than with Fallout 3, where it just isn't possible to get rid of the flaws due to the modding limitations.
Sander said:
The combat gameplay was tweaked to be more first-person-shootery
Well, at least it's called Fallout New Vegas and not Fallout 4. Although, everybody that's played fo3 and skipped the others, must be pretty sure Fallout is a fps franchise.
The combat gameplay was tweaked to be more first-person-shootery

So what are those tweaks exactly? This can mean anything from removing a simple, minor issue, to redoing the whole framework.

Since F3 had horrendous combat, making it decent is a pretty big undertaking in such a short ammount of time, and i'm pretty skeptic about it going from horrendous to decent. Then again, any improvment over F3 is welcomed.
They are probably going to create a "combat overhaul" mod of their own so to speak. With nearly unlimited access to game's source code and a team of dedicated coders, they can probably do what takes modders 2 or 3 years in one year.

Didn't they hire some of the FO:3 modders too btw?
randy Mc rupp said:
Hey all it means is that the shooter part will be more like a shooter. Nothing wrong with that.

FPS and RPG parts don't have to correlate actually.
They had better correlate if more than half the skills are combat related. I would just hope that this is OXM/marketing nonsense.
I wonder if OXM US did a better job at the preview than OXM UK? At least they got better info from Obsidian.
I just hope they digged throughed all the combat overhaul mods for Fallout 3 out there and based their system around the improvements already done by others.
Sander said:
The combat gameplay was tweaked to be more first-person-shootery

Interesting, perhaps to stop VATS being so much of a magical "make things die" button.
aenemic said:
pexxx said:
Skill magazines" you find in New Vegas will only temporarily boost your skills

I hope it´s something journalist just didn´t get right again.

I don't see the problem with this either. anything to make it harder to max skills is good imo.

well you have to admit its a bit silly

"Wait what was that shit I read in that magazine about aiming again? Man I must've read that same magazine 30 times and I keep forgetting! And every time I read it the fucking thing disintegrates!"
Makes me wonder how these tweaks will look like considering Obsidian's experience with fps games.