OXM will offer nothing new

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This ghoul has seen it all
DaC's King of Creation got word that the much-discussed Official X-Box Magazine interview with Bethesda, to be featured in the upcoming issue, will contain nothing new. Pete Hines says:<blockquote>Folks took an interview with that that we did with them about Elder Scrolls, which had one (or maybe two) Fallout 3 question in it, and sort of ran with it.

Our MO hasn't changed. We still aren't talking about the game and when we're ready, there won't be any question that the information is forthcoming.</blockquote>Link: news article on DaC
Pretty much. Usually when a print media makes a hyped claim and causes a lot of consternation, you'd expect a PR representative to be all over it. Then again, Bethesda doesn't really post on fansites do they?
Their marketing tactics seem to be really weird, indeed. When are they going to start the hype?

Are they really just going to rely on Bethsoft's and Fallout's reputations?

I don't even mean anything like that "it's not fair to us fans" stuff, now. It'd be an advantage for them to just say something about Fo3, goddammit....
Angrim said:
Their marketing tactics seem to be really weird, indeed. When are they going to start the hype?

Are they really just going to rely on Bethsoft's and Fallout's reputations?

I don't even mean anything like that "it's not fair to us fans" stuff, now. It'd be an advantage for them to just say something about Fo3, goddammit....
God PLEASE make them don't rely on hype!!! Hyping a thing is a very nice sign that that thing is not good...
Yeah, well, I'm not into the hype, either. It usually is a really bad thing and empty promises.

I'm just wondering why aren't they doing it.

As being a Big Bad Money Hungry Gaming Company and such.
Puu said:
What a surprise!
I bet they won't talk about FO3 even after it's released.

"This is not the game you're waiting for." waving hands in an Obi Wan fashion.
Angrim said:
I'm just wondering why aren't they doing it.

We're still a year away from the possibility of Bethesda releasing their Fallout 3. What's more than likely happening is that they're waiting for some sort of threshold to pass when they're confident enough in a release date for Pete to run a tightly-organized hype campaign.

That, or the more pessimistic approach being that they're waiting until the last minute to generate hype before it's too late for negative word of mouth to spread prior to launch.

I tend to the former, but at this point it's hard to say, really.
Bradylama said:
We're still a year away from the possibility of Bethesda releasing their Fallout 3. What's more than likely happening is that they're waiting for some sort of threshold to pass when they're confident enough in a release date for Pete to run a tightly-organized hype campaign.

That, or the more pessimistic approach being that they're waiting until the last minute to generate hype before it's too late for negative word of mouth to spread prior to launch.

Yeah, of course. They haven't even announced the release date yet. And when they do that, the "From the publisher of the RPG of the Year..." hype probably begins.

When talking about hype, Peter Molyneux returns into my mind. He did "good job" with hyping Black & White (and Fable) for years. Of course, it involved fucking gamers up in the ass and just pure lying, but the B&W was a commerical success.
Angrim said:
When talking about hype, Peter Molyneux returns into my mind.

Hah. Yeah. I remember an interview about that game, in which he states "he discovers something new in it every day" : For instance, I saw today a little turtle in the intro sequence I had never seen before, this game surprises me with something new every day

Or something like that.
The march issue of OXM is out, time to grab it. They still haven't put anything from it on their site.
Wooz said:
Hah. Yeah. I remember an interview about that game, in which he states "he discovers something new in it every day" : For instance, I saw today a little turtle in the intro sequence I had never seen before, this game surprises me with something new every day

Gods, I remember those blatant lies about the creature AI inventing soccer and whatnot. PC Gamer let up pageloads of "developer diaries" which were nothing but lying crap about features that didn't exist in the finished game.