Vault Fossil

Tremors The Series was my favorite show back in 03', ahh good times.
If by 'those shows' you mean the shows I listed, those shows are nothing like Prison Break.UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:I'm not into those kind of shows, its the same reason I hate prison break.
Yep. As I said somewhere else on this site, it's basically just an emo soap filled with moron characters, and lots of titties.The Russian Rainbow said:True Blood I watched the first season of, near all of the characters became really annoying and I was somewhat hoping for a couple to get killed.
I have yet to watch that show, sadly. It's in my queue, though.Professor Danger! said:Don't forget the best tv show ever: Carnivale. Seriously, epic battle between heaven and hell set after WWI, in the dustbowl with magic. With Clancy fucking Brown as the best villian ever.
Sander said:I've seen Sopranos, Deadwood and Rome descibred as follows:
Sopranos is Goodfellas: The Series; Deadwood is The Sopranos in the Old
TyloniusFunk said:Carnivalle was really promising but they canceled it in a way that will piss you off if you start watching it, so don't bother; I think they realized they didn't have the budget to finish it properly, very reminiscent of Twin Peaks.
Rome doesn't come close to Deadwood, no, but it was very good in its own right. The first season (as so often with shows) was the best, in part due to the fact that the show got its cancellation notice a couple of episodes into the second season, meaning they decided to cram 3 seasons worth of episodes into the second season to give it some closure. Commendable, but it didn't help its quality. Also, its turn toward comedy with Caesarion in the final episode felt really out of place and weak.TyloniusFunk said:Deadwood >>> All. Seriously, this is the closest thing to Shakespeare in a popular medium. Sopranos is also good, yes, but not Shakespeare. Oz is solid, but often seems self indulgent. Rome fell short I think, and not just due to the confusing time advancement.
And whatever you do, don't watch more than the first season.TyloniusFunk said:Really... it all comes down to whether you have taste or not.
If you have taste, Oz is decent, if not, watch Prison Break. If you don't know, watch Prison Break.