PA film "9"

If anything, I'd watch it for the cool CG. While the concept has promise, it's likely to end up just a mindless action blockbuster just like the previous movie from the same director. Not like it's a bad thing though - I like pretty CG.
Yeah, great CG, im sure im going to see it.

but dunno why it kinda reminded me LittleBigPlanet, especially the part where he swings in a rope. :P
The video looks awesome and very promising. Does anyone know the music playing in the trailer by the way? I can hear that its probably 2 or even 3 tracks with in one in the begining which might be ambiente sound [in the sense of something like Aphex Twin I guess though its not from him that I would know] and some usual rock - trailer music as second I guess.
I usually cringe at modern Tim Burton releases, and haven't liked a single production of his since Edward Scissor Hands, but I want to see this one.
Ausdoerrt said:
While the concept has promise, it's likely to end up just a mindless action blockbuster just like the previous movie from the same director.

Huh? :scratch:

I was under the impression that this is the first film Shane Acker's ever helmed, aside from his short works.

Crni Vuk said:
The video looks awesome and very promising. Does anyone know the music playing in the trailer by the way?

I'm not sure about the opening instrumentals, but the music playing in the latter half of the trailer is "Welcome Home," by Coheed and Cambria.

Personally, I'm looking forward to this. Cautiously. It's really all going to come down to whether they decide to focus on storytelling or just try to cash in on the built-in audience for a film like this.
The music is from a song called "Welcome Home" by coheed and cambria. Not really a huge fan of them, they are "okay".

Anyways, I really really like the design for all the characters, and the premise seems quite interesting. It's cool seeing something original and pretty dark for a major budget cg film.
Pablosdog said:
The music is from a song called "Welcome Home" by coheed and cambria. Not really a huge fan of them, they are "okay".

Anyways, I really really like the design for all the characters, and the premise seems quite interesting. It's cool seeing something original and pretty dark for a major budget cg film.
Well after I heard the singing I have to agree, not my thing of music. And it seemed to be a nice track *le sigh* :( !
Yamu said:
Ausdoerrt said:
While the concept has promise, it's likely to end up just a mindless action blockbuster just like the previous movie from the same director.

Huh? :scratch:

I was under the impression that this is the first film Shane Acker's ever helmed, aside from his short works.

Nvm, I was thinking Bekmambetov. He's the producer in this one though, not director, so my bad.
Ausdoerrt said:
While the concept has promise, it's likely to end up just a mindless action blockbuster just like the previous movie from the same director.
I think Wanted was kind of doomed from the start. Mark Miller the author of the graphic novel Wanted (which in my opinion was full of cheap thrills - the meaningless sex and violence) let the producers completely change the story for the film (excising the super-hero-ishness of the world which I thought was the one really intriguing thing about the story). However, with allowing them to change the story to make it more mainstream he also received a big enough pay out to do what he wants to on his upcoming projects. At least some of the action sequences for Wanted were cool - although shallow. The film dabbled a bit in human emotion, but it wasn't quite satisfying.

Dopemine Cleric said:
I usually cringe at modern Tim Burton releases, and haven't liked a single production of his since Edward Scissor Hands, but I want to see this one.
I think he is much better at guiding a visual style than he is at crafting a compelling narrative, but at least he is not directing this.

Yamu said:
Personally, I'm looking forward to this. Cautiously. It's really all going to come down to whether they decide to focus on storytelling or just try to cash in on the built-in audience for a film like this.
Agreed. The cast could be top notch in their voice acting or they could phone it in like in the bottom rung CGI kiddy flicks. It is interesting that in the visual design of the characters they aren't very distinct from one another. Leaving the actors to differentiate themselves mainly by their vocal performances.
I like the short film a lot. Burton isn't involved with this in any aspect aside from Producing it, same with Bekmambetov (while I hated Night and Day Watch, I thought Wanted was a fabulous action flick).

Should be fun. The voice cast is great.

Oh, and that Coheed song rules.
Does look interesting, found the trailer a month or two ago due to Kotaku linking it to show that it is not a Little Big Planet film :p
Malky said:
same with Bekmambetov (while I hated Night and Day Watch, I thought Wanted was a fabulous action flick).
I liked Night Watch and Day Watch, but it could have just been that I was enamored by the idea of Russian vampire/warlock/witches and the gritty/trippy sense of style. I thought the drama showed through the subtitles.
finally got around to watching the trailer and the first thought that hit me (after "hey, this is kinda neat") was that it kinda contained all the stereotype elements of a game.

from what i've seen it would lend itself pretty nicely to being a game, rather than a movie.