PA movie...


First time out of the vault
Well, after driving up and down from San Francisco to Los Angeles a few times, and seeing the barren wastes of the great valley, I've decided to start pre-pre-production of a Post Apoc movie, I know I couldn't go it alone, so I went to my favorite online community to fish for ideas. At this point in time, I will take in all the ideas I can, and then comes the storyline, characters, place setting, time setting, and script. This is going to be a huge undertaking, but I think I can pull it off, even if the end product looks worse than the Six-String Samurai.

Here are the things I have come up with already.

-Going to be filmed in Arizona or New Mexico. Lots of barren wastes out there, and not too far to drive from CA.

-Lots of gun-fights, because Mad Max lacked those. :wink:

-The appearance of my new Ural Patrol.

That's all I can think of at the present time! Just throw out ideas about any topic. Characters/Story/ect

Thanks! :D
Your movie should also feature:

-> lotsa hawt chicks in leather thongs dual-wielding vibrators
-> lotsa rednecks in diapers dual-wielding buttplugs
-> lotsa tumbleweed
-> lotsa mutated rats (just take regular rats and put them in the microwave for about 30 seconds -> voilà: mutated rats)
-> an exploding-silicone-breast-scene (due to all that radiation out there)
-> Chuck Norris

I wish you all the best on completing your PA movie. Don't forget to mention my name in the credits.

-- alec, Spielberg's poster child
It should really point fingers at the people who brought civilization to ruin (i.e. the GOP).

Oh, and copious amounts of nudity. Nudity makes every movie better.
err... It's not going to have much nudity and NOTHING to do with fallout. I just invision a classic PA movie.. with violence and nostalgia, now, if we could come up with some storyline, that would be progressive. =)
nukacola said:
err... It's not going to have much nudity and NOTHING to do with fallout. I just invision a classic PA movie.. with violence and nostalgia, now, if we could come up with some storyline, that would be progressive. =)
Hmm. I am fairly sure they are aware of that.

Perhaps they were mocking you?

It may be, shocking as it may seem, that they do not think this is a good idea.

I would comment that it is expecting a lot to expect us to co-write your screenplay. A little feedback and fine tuning is fine, but saying "we" need to come up with a storyline is a little rich.
satanisgreat9 said:
I'm going to be in Albequerque in late May for a week, so if you need a special guest star, just let me know.
He can't afford any special effects, so he'll have to use real bullets.

That's not a problem, is it?
Actually, blanks are cheaper than bullets, in some cases. sorry if I may have been jumping the gun a bit, I didn't mean to say that I will use suggestions solely for the movie, (to be honest, there haven't been any "good" ones yet) mockery is fine, as long as they have their fun. =) It's just going to be a pet project I am having trouble starting.
Damn. Can't you star Diamondgypsy and Aktins Diet as the models to be shot at?
nukacola said:
Actually, blanks are cheaper than bullets, in some cases.
You'll use real bullets for his "audition".

And Diamondgypsy & Atkins' "audition"s.

In fact, hang on.

I'm sure we can make a list of people for that.
nah... no illegal stuff.. I should be able to start putting everything in perspective in..oh.... about 6 months or so, I got a job, after all... so I'll be in touch! =p
I live in Arizona, and can point out many good places to film. Lots of "hillbillies" out here have some shitty looking places.