Pale Horse said:
I was expecting a walk in the park with ice cream in my hand and a rifle in the other. Fucking duh, Rosh.
And yet you wonder how I find it hard to believe that you can suddengly find the inspiration to move your ass when you can't be bothered to outside of such a repressive environment.
Marines. Not that it matters.
More like
Semper HUH?!
Right, because you've seen an event like this, and apparently are now have a intuition whenever it involves new recruits. I bow to you oh benevolent one.
YES! Because I have seen your mentality, that enlisting is somehow going to fix your life, make you worth something, yadda, yadda, yadda. It leads to someone that is a danger to those around them until the person is eventually discharged. This is a NORM, and the wash-out rate of those with such a mentality is high.
I suppose we could just say "fuck it" and instead of trying to help at all we'll just lay them out in fields of slaughter all together.
And you believe that they are helping to any significant degree. That's the biggest laugh in all of this.
Will that fix the problem Rosh?
Well, according to you, one more dumbshit grunt will make all the difference in their policy.
Then again, we could just hand it over to the insurgents, warring factions, rebels, and/or terrorists and let them rebuild it while the Iraqis can apparently forget the deaths they caused.
Kind of like the US had already essentially done in Afghanistan, has NO plans to really stabilize the region, instead they invaded to give Haliburton some rich oil deals from the spoils.
Such an interesting mentality you use to defend an illegal invasion. So Iraqis are incapable of deciding their own fate and the US needs to stay with the invasion to make sure the oil fields are set up while the starving and homless Iraqis are given the "Freedom to Vote".
The simple fact is, life was better during Saddam's time than it is now, and their country was fucked and isn't being rebuilt for shit by those who helped fucked it over, instead helping to take out water systems to entire cities.
The worst that can happen is that they form a bunch of minor nations. But at least the world will look at us and say, "at least they didn't stay to finish their job, now we're better off anyways." If not us, who? The U.N.? Fat chance while W. is still in power.
Unless you understand what the US presence itself has brought to their country, and what the US ISN'T doing to rebuild, then I suggest you look through a few more facts and consider the advice by those who have fought through at least one war and know the region BEFORE it was like this, BEFORE the US fucked it up without any real movement to rebuild anything but some social centers and oil fields.
Easy way out? Saying "fuck it, let someone else worry about it" is the easiest way out possible.
But it doesn't give the illusion of doing anything, and can't be as excused as easily. You don't care to take control of your own life and as a result through your laziness, you think the military is suddenly going to make everything better, for better or for worse.
That is what we call in the real world "stupidity in career planning".
So let's all just pack up and go home and forget all our problems in Iraq.
Or you could be a complete fucking retard and go working for those CAUSING A LOT OF THE PROBLEM, versus being a relief organization that isn't doing any harm.
So, which would appear to be the one offering the most amount of ability to help people? It certainly isn't with a gun, dumbass.
Let them just kill eachother for years to come. Because we know that foreign companies from all over the world will love to stay in Iraq and rebuild it right now even if coalition forces pulled out.
If Haliburton wants the rich oil deals, then the greedy fucks can pay and fight for it on their own versus use US soldiers as the VP's personal war profiteering guard.
Yes, people are going to profit from this war. But there's also people with a sense for trying to do the right thing.
Who? It isn't the president, not the VP, not the military. The most amusing part of this is that you seem to think that you have some sort of free will in deciding what you do over there. YOU DO NOT. You could, in fact, be put into a position where you could get innocents killed, and with your mentality, that isn't a good thing.
The fact is, you don't know what you will be ordered to do, and the overall prospects of "helping people in Iraq" are rather slim unless you count the far likelier event of being put in the position of shooting those who you think you're going to "help".
Like I said, gut feeling.
Like I said, laziness to change your life yourself. And add a touch of stupidity for ignoring the obvious.
I want to go there to provide some sort of a protection for the Iraqis, and for the people rebuilding Iraq, even if that means someone somewhere gaining unethical profits from my duties.
So you missed the point of the US military committing war crimes against the hundreds of thousands in Fallujah?
Okay, genius. Give me one damn reason how that could be considered "protecting" or "helping" them.
Also, easy fix for a crappy life? I said I enjoy living relaxed and laid back. But I want something different for a change. How is going from relaxed, and careless, to joining the military an easy fix?
A quick life change, room and board are provided routinely, and it essentially sounds good if you've been listening to a full of shit recruiter who makes bonuses depending upon sign-up numbers.
My laziness in uniform? I'm joining the military to have a more active lifestyle, no matter how dangerous it may be. It's something I've always wanted to do, and I'm going to do it.
Yeah, to prove yourself worth something. And if you're lazy now, you will be lazy in uniform, it tends to work that way. You are essentially a sad sack that will have to be dragged along because somehow you are relying on the military to provide "activity" in your life that you otherwise couldn't be arsed to do yourself with far more logical alternatives.
You're fucked, then, because if you fuck up in boot camp, everyone pays.
Motivation and a sense of purpose, along with my uber American military know-how. It's simple really. I pass down my desire to help the Iraqi people to the Iraqis.
That load of shit should be framed. Yeah, help the one fledgeling Iraq Defense unit, and try to help people while firing at them, invading their homes, and also shutting off water to a major city.
Some help.
Why wouldn't the US Pentagon have a standing order to tally friendly civilian casualties in the Iraqi invasion, if there have been tallies for such for every other war and official action by the US military?
Because bad people make bad decisions.
Look in the mirror before you make the same mistake. I just pointed out exactly the point that the US military
doesn't care about friendly civvy casualties, and you still think you will be able to "help" people while under their command. Unless you can suddenly pop a CO to issue whatever orders you want out from your ass, you are living in a fantasy.
I'm doing my part to connect to some of the Iraqi people to both see what is happening over there, their change of life, and instill that not everyone wants to kill them for oil, and that Operation Wedding Party isn't something that the veterans of this country believe in as a routine activity of the US military - we just have some fucking stupid people in charge right now.
That message isn't quite as convincing when it's delivered with a flash grenade and filling the house's inhabitants with bullets on secure orders or reactions to a bomb attack. Yeah, the US military KILLS innocents because when a bomb goes off, the insurgents rely on the kids in the US military escort to be stupid and untrained, so they will in turn go off and attack anyone they see.
As for calling you a moron, yes, I called you a moron. You plainly deserved it, as you were being...a moron! What an amazing coincidence. If you truly believe that the US military is there in Iraq with a primary mission that better suits the Peace Corps, then yes you are, I quote, an "absolute fucking moron".