Parental Licensing


Still Mildly Glowing
This idea has apparently been around since the late 70s but what do you guys think? The basic idea is that people who want kids would need to pass a series of examinations, much like those that adoptive parents must pass. The idea is that this will give kids a better chance at succeding in life and reduce child abuse drasticly.

So you want us to write your paper for you? Hmm, lazy ass.

How do you justify removing an individuals right to control of their own reproductive organs?

How stringently do you screen potential parents?

Does a couple have to be married? How is whatever answer you gave ethical?

What do you do with unlicensed yet pregnant women?

What do you do with unlicensed childbirths?

How do you pay for it?

on and on...
And if they reproduce without pemission, we can take their offspring away and place them in a secret military facility, training them to be super-soldiers :evil:
Aaah. The totalitarian regime aspirations of young Americans.
Warmonger, I was being serious. Do you want this to be a serious discussion?
No good idea, and definetly not for Germany, we allready haven`t got enough offspring.
If we would forbid everyone who would make major mistake in raising their children to give birth to them, there would be born only half the amount of children born today.

And again this would place imens powers of manipulation in the hands of the governement, everyone who doesn`t fit in their political worldpicture could be forbidden to reproduce, dangerous political ideas eventually dying out.
Now that i think of it, combined with Silencers idea this maybe this is not such a stupid idea indeed, although one could use the illegal human-material as organ donors too.
Sounds like a bad idea. If there are suddenly standards potential parents must meet to have the right to reproduce, there will be like five children born a year. Okay, I am exaggerating, but it would still be bad for fertility. Standards and examinations for future parents = trailer park trash not allowed to reproduce = half of America not allowed to reproduce = deep demographic crisis.
Murdoch said:
So you want us to write your paper for you? Hmm, lazy ass.

The paper is already done and turned in. I actually wanted to just get an idea on how you guys would react to such a proposal. Personally i dont give a rats ass either way seeing as i hate children and am not going to have any.
Thank you Warmonger. (wow doesnt that sound bad?)

I dont care if this ignites an angry firestorm towards me. I believe their needs to be parental licensing. You need a license to drive. After all if you f*** up you could kill someone right? Well if you raise a kid wrong they could become the next "loony cult preacher" or mass murderer. I mean since reproduction involves the use of one's own organs it seems horrendously wrong in terms of personal freedom to not allow reproduction except if licensed. But come I just cant go around killing who I please?

Go ahead and comment even if you feel you have to put me down. I dont mind it since it should be done constructively and I just want some opinions.

The Vault Dweller
Hey Vault Dweller, remember how you said you appreciated being exposed to Libertarian ideals? Your proposal is so non-Libertarian it isn't even funny.

Actually, it kind is. :lol:

Loving the Super Soldiers idea, though.
No, The_Vault_Dweller is right. He needs to be put down. And if the Parental licensing had been in effect back then, we would be saved the cost of the bullet.
Commissar Lauren said:
No, The_Vault_Dweller is right. He needs to be put down. And if the Parental licensing had been in effect back then, we would be saved the cost of the bullet.

My thoughts exactly!

Seriously though some bad s*** runs in my family and if its genetically feasible that I am going to create something bad I would gladly stop myself under my own ethical ideals.

The Vault Dweller
Parental licensing is among the stupidestest ideas ever. All hail unprotected sex.
On a similar note then, would there be selective breeding? Maybe pairing off the highly intelligent to get super smart babies... breed athletes to get highly athletic. Get super children. Sigh just a thought I had. Sorta like, if scientists tend to be antisocial and never get with chicks... will the human race slowly get stupider as the dumb tend to reproduce the most?

Aye, parental licensing would be interesting though I think it would be hard to regulate. And very controversial when impsoed :)
parental licencing would be a bad idea.................

1. mankind has been reproducing since well.....your here know
2. man has guns.....try and stop him from having children and he kills you
3. government official in your bed room when doing the nasty to make sure you use contraceptives=BAD IDEA
I would love to see what standards are.

What kind of test-

Will dumb people be allowed to reproduce? Are going to make sure those with a high likelihood of some genetic disease are out? No fucking for alcoholics or drug addicts?

One of the fundamental substantive rights in the US Constitution (one of the surprisingly few) is the right to raise a family as you wish. Serious lawsuits have been raised on this very issue- who gets to have a kid?

If you are in prison do you get to have visits from your spouse so you can propagate more little deviants and sociopaths?
Seriously, How can you really expect to regulate this?

I read recently (Jack Knight- Institutions and Social Conflict) that altrusitic people generally have less children than more self-interested people.

Yet, better societies are those that have more altrusitic people.

(I didn't look further to figure out how they figured that one out, but let's take it for face value).

This raises a problem when you consider that, generally speaking, alligators give birth to baby alligators, and self-interested folks will give birth to little selfish spoiled brats.

Are you going to regulate the altrusitic or self-interested people more?

At what point do you want to say "social engineering might not be so good".

Thus the problems.
I don't know if you people know how relevant this discussion is right now in Holland.

There is a large booming discussion going on; should heavily mentally handicapped people have the right to reproduce?

Scenario: mentally handicapped woman has a child. A year later the child has to be taken away, mal-nourished and scarred for life. The woman becomes pregnant again. The doctor talks to her "Don't you know you could use anti-conceptants". "I do," the woman answers, "but I like children"

The problem is, which right is more prelavent? The right to have a child or the right to have a good parent? We know in advance that these mentally handicapped people are not equipped to be parents, yet they have the right to have sex (haven't had that forever either, but they do now) and the right to reproduce. Is forced sterilization the answer?

Yes, I say, and not just in this case. The right of a child to have a good parent should outweight the right to have a child.

In fact, I consider the right to have a child to be an outdated notion. Remember that things like "the right to kill" used to be existing rights too before you automatically protests; rights DO come and go.

That said, child-giving should not be considered an inherent free right. You are creating and determining the path, at least partially, of a new-born child.

Yes, welsh's argument is valid, where do you start and where do you stop? But I'm not talking about the interest of society here, I'm talking about the interest of the child. People who will obviously make their children's lives a living hell, like alcoholics, drug-addicts, mentally handicapped people, should simply not be allowed to have children. What gives them the right to create life and then destroy it?

To make all other people follow a course in parenting and do exams would also be an excellent idea.