So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Well in regards to making sure nations like the DPRK, China, Russia and Iran do not attack our allies, I agree that we cannot be isolationistic.
The ME issue I have clarified already, With the exception of Israel, and given the playing field stayed equal, I would agree our ME adventures were total failures and should not have been undertaken AKA Afghanistan post 9-11 and Iraq.
The ME nations have the sole right to sell gas at whatever prices they want withojt ANY foreign intervention, GIVEN, they handle any terror groups that pop up.
The ME issue I have clarified already, With the exception of Israel, and given the playing field stayed equal, I would agree our ME adventures were total failures and should not have been undertaken AKA Afghanistan post 9-11 and Iraq.
The ME nations have the sole right to sell gas at whatever prices they want withojt ANY foreign intervention, GIVEN, they handle any terror groups that pop up.