To Oracle:
About the desert eagle - I haven't changed that. About the radscorpion limbs - I've replaced them with a radscorpion tail.
To TonyM19
Several people reported me about the Den problems. It appears to be a huge bug with the location. I will release a small update for it soon.
To Requiem:
Armor Class: In the 1.03, the armor class was different for every armor so the adv. power armor was 75AC or something. Some people considered it bad so I've changed it to the original settings.
Weapon Capacity: Those where changed... hell knows why in the 1.03 version (sorry about that

). Now there are back to normal.
.44 SpeedLoader: My mistake. Sorry
BH Boxes: Use the editor and look at... Vault City fo example. You will see boxes off maps that contain people's stuff. The shouldn't be lootable. That's the thing with Broken Hills.
Dave Handy: The trophy is a item never added to the game. It belongs to him from what I know so I just gave it to him to make the man happy.
Lit Flares: You keep lit flares in your locker? Damn.
Maps Changed: I've did this to just make them better looking or to add some missing scenery there.
Enclave Guard: The keycard wasn't doing anything. The dog tags aren't doing anything. But why the hell some Enclave patrol unit would carry a keycard for thier reactor? It's a little... well... stupid.
Wanamingo removed: You must kill all wanamingos except one to get the xp so I just removed the bastard.
Laser tripwire: I never saw it doing anything to my NPC's or to my character.
Radscorpion Limbs: They should be there just for exposing Duntons. You can't do that so the limbs aren't needed. But hey! I left the ones in New Reno.
Gecko and the keycard: From where would the ghouls have a keycard fitting to a high tech new military base located far away on the coast?
Excavator Chip: You only need one.
Object names: Look at some computers on the Enclave. Thier descriptions say they're from BoS technology. From where would the Enclave had BoS computers? They buyed them from them or what? It's just an example. Other: Klamath, Canyon, dead Enclave dudes. When you examine them it says: ...dead Enclave Guard. From where would the player knew that they were affiliated with the Enclave? I now that Chosen One is special and all that but what he is? Telepath?
Items in BH and San Fran: Come on. There should be more stuff in those cities.
Rubber Doll: 2000exp. isn't minor reward. Besides you have to go to Reno for the mining parts and get back to BH and Typhoon says exactly where will you find the doll so it isn't that difficult.
Military Base: It's medium sized on the world map. Why, you will ask? The base's size is similar to SAD and SAD is medium sized on the world map. Simple, huh?
This is a patch. Many patches contain stuff not added in the game and change the game a little, so you could say that every patch is a mod... and you'll be right.
And this patch contains all the fixes from the official version.