Patches for Fallout 2

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Hi Mix, welcome 8)

Locutus went on a holiday as i expected, no need to worry about him, this thread won`t be very active for a while, i suspect.
I suppose most things would be possiable to implement into Fallotu but... the question is how long it would take and if it would be worth it depending on how long it would take :?:
I don't see how that would matter if they're seperate, independent mini-projects. Plus, who's to say it couldn't be incorporated into patch 1.06 or 1.07 ?

The only stumbling block is whether or it's actually possible to add them into the game. The rest of it is left up to people like me to physically create the material.

EDIT: I've seen some writing from some of the other fans, and the majority of it is excellent. I need a good writer who's played the game ten times over, or at least knows all there is to know about Klamath, to write however many ending scripts (reading scripts, not programming) you think the town should have (then I could start recording right away, and get half of it done). It's not a lot to write really, but I don't trust myself to write it on my own (I don't remember Klamath as well as others). Since I have no idea about the "social hierarchy" here, I don't know who would decide which ending is the best, how many, blah blah blah,,,..that can get sorted out later. For now, I need some good monologues.

Comments are welcome!
I'm back from the dead. :wink: Need time to pick up everything. I'll start tomorrow.

But to answer some things:

1. I would not add anything new to 1.05 cause the patch is ready (will send it to NMA tomorrow).
2. After the release of 1.05 I'll take care of F1 patch.
3. The next possible patch for F2 will probably be out when the EPA is finished since it will have the base with it (and some other stuff too I think).
May we do a beta test before we put it on the regular files section? There are a lot of guys who don`t mind helping out with that?

And welcome back, i`m glad you aren`t dead after all :D
I or Locutus will put it on FMC.. DAC will have it too probably as they already have the previous ones.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before or you already have taken care of it, but perhaps, for the next patch, you should try to fix T-Ray at the Chop Shop. He's probably the bugiest character in the whole game.. :?
Welcome back! I hope the patch is released soon cuz I'm dying to play fallout again WITH the 1.05 patch. :)
I don't know if this has been mentioned before or you already have taken care of it, but perhaps, for the next patch, you should try to fix T-Ray at the Chop Shop. He's probably the bugiest character in the whole game..

I just shoot him anyway, nobody steals my car and lives!
I like your style, but I usually play female characters, so my tactic is: sleep with him, THEN cap is ass. being slutty is fun :)
But T-Ray is...

He needs fixing. The idea of fucking him until he explodes gets me every time I play a chick in fallout. I just wish we could find a way to put the red head character model instead of the brunette.
The idea of fucking him until he explodes gets me every time I play a chick in fallout.

That is one deadly STD! I only play as a male or else I wont be able to really get into the game. Females have more evil options though. I dont care if they left out some stuff, I just want the patch already. The reason I am being impatient and annoying is because in two months from now I wont be able to play Fallout games for five years.
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