
I'll have it shot better when I find a normal camera. This is shot with my sister's phone. A short description: The Tabletop PnP mini to end 'em all.

Sooo . . .

I have some stuff to do before I get on with one Raiders Piece, one Vault City piece, one New Reno piece and one more Arroyo. In the meantime I colored this sketch from a few months ago. The Holy Trinity of FO2, Vic, Sulik and Cassidy.

If you could do a picture of Harold that would be great. He's my favourite.

Maybe he could have both hands on the little tree, trying to pull it off, while saying "Dammit Bob, get outta mah brain!"
SuAside said:

(but the magazine should be a tiny bit thicker/wider)

Srsly, you shouldn't post in fan art anymore. It's like John Kricfalusi talking about how the Iron Giant's animation is boring. Sure, maybe he has a point if you're as anal as John K., but no one else on earth cares. (Hopefully there exists someone else who gets this metaphor...)

You have an awesome style, Patriot :clap: I love it.
Seriously - we could base a FO remake on this kindof art. IMO, some of the best games have been motivated on this Comic-book kindof stuff. (Xcom, for example)

Too many games these days are over-obsessed with realism. I love THIS kind of style and flair....
Stag said:
SuAside said:

(but the magazine should be a tiny bit thicker/wider)

Srsly, you shouldn't post in fan art anymore. It's like John Kricfalusi talking about how the Iron Giant's animation is boring. Sure, maybe he has a point if you're as anal as John K., but no one else on earth cares. (Hopefully there exists someone else who gets this metaphor...)

Many people will get it - John K. is an asshole and the Iron Giant is better than all his work combined, despite the fact, that I am a big cartoon fan. SuAside does have a point, tho. Just because it's cartoony doesn't mean it should be half-assed. It wouldn't have cost me that much effort to think about the size of the bullet of the bullet as opposed to the muzzle diameter, and by all means I should have. I really like crits like that - they help me figure out some mistakes not related to drawing. Thanks to them I learned to pay more attention to stuff, like the PA shoulder pads.

And Josan - I wholeheartedly agree. Realism allows for little or no personal touch. Which is why msot of today's games look the same.
Stag said:
Srsly, you shouldn't post in fan art anymore. It's like John Kricfalusi talking about how the Iron Giant's animation is boring. Sure, maybe he has a point if you're as anal as John K., but no one else on earth cares. (Hopefully there exists someone else who gets this metaphor...)

it's funny really... when people whine about what they personally think about the style, the color panel, the grit, it's all bloody fine.
but when i give comments about weapons or pointers on how to make them better, the whineyfest breaks loose.

yes, guns do not need to be tailored to my tastes. that's a given. and i never said that, i just give an opinion. the artist can do with it as he likes. but when people whine about the colors, the style, it's all also about either their personal taste or the technical aspect. both are exactly the same as the guns issue, yet no one whines about that, now do they?

in the end, what the artist does with it is his own choice and unless the artist says "fuck off, i'm not interested" i'm not going to stop posting pointers about weapons (and other things where necessary, but guns just happens to be something i know a few things about whereas i'm a total dumbass at drawing or art in general). i'm just trying to contribute where i can, that's all.

patriot_41, i'm glad to hear you find it somewhat useful at times. :)
keep it up with the awesome art!
I always wanted to draw this - I intended to call it 'A Boy and His Dog', but it ended just as being The Vault Dweller. I hope you guys like it.

Actually, I think that's pretty close to original fallout art, I like it.
But his feet look slightly odd, can't put my finger on it though.
these are all awsome dude. you have a really cool modern style, reminds me of cheeks-74 and scottie young. the mood of the last one reminds me alot of justin sweet's fallout image. i have a few crits though, the way he's running and holding his gun seems unatrual. the yellow stripe going down his torso doesn't really make sense either. i did a quick five minute paint over to show you what i mean.


i think that looks a lttle more natrual to me. i also think you should clean up dog meat a little. his body seems like a black smudge to me, adding highlights and making his legs more visible would make him really stand out. hope that helps.
he might be in the proces of racking the slide, skinny fist.

overall very nice, but i prefer my Vault Dwellers to be less steroid happy. :P
As I once said to Wooz - I suck at non-cartoony drawings, as is evident. I am trying to break myself, but I just don't seem to get it. And I can rarely tell what's wrong with a non-cartoony picture of mine, as I cannot believe it's me who drew it. It's so unnatural . . .
Fists, you made an excellent point about the hind leg and the stripe, also about Dogmeat, but SuAside is right about the movement - he is warpondeling the thingamajig. And the steroid-happy theme is evident in the official artwork, so I decided not to go against it. And about the comparison to Cheeks and Scottie young - I am honored by it, but I've a long way to go until I reach their technical level. Then again, cheeks is 11 years older than me, so I guess I'm on my way :D It's strange, that you brought them up, I've been compared to them before, even though I fail to see an actual resemblance, apart from the angular approach.
Thanks for the comments and crits, guys, keep 'em coming.
As I once said to Wooz - I suck at non-cartoony drawings, as is evident.

I've seen worse, but I'm not going to lie to yez. To me, it's horrible. Your flat drawings are a hundred times better... What the hell? What's with the weird composition and the slapped-on buildings and... thing in the foreground? Your cartooney pics have good composition!

I am trying to break myself, but I just don't seem to get it.

Don't give up. Try sketching people from real life, and checking out a few anatomy books. And remember that 'sucking less every day' is more important than doing a one-time, super-worked on piece.

Or, dunno, try to make a sculpture of your character and sketch from it?
