Stag said:
Srsly, you shouldn't post in fan art anymore. It's like John Kricfalusi talking about how the Iron Giant's animation is boring. Sure, maybe he has a point if you're as anal as John K., but no one else on earth cares. (Hopefully there exists someone else who gets this metaphor...)
it's funny really... when people whine about what they personally think about the style, the color panel, the grit, it's all bloody fine.
but when i give comments about weapons or pointers on how to make them better, the whineyfest breaks loose.
yes, guns do not need to be tailored to my tastes. that's a given. and i never said that, i just give an opinion. the artist can do with it as he likes. but when people whine about the colors, the style, it's all also about either their personal taste or the technical aspect. both are exactly the same as the guns issue, yet no one whines about that, now do they?
in the end, what the artist does with it is his own choice and unless the artist says "fuck off, i'm not interested" i'm not going to stop posting pointers about weapons (and other things where necessary, but guns just happens to be something i know a few things about whereas i'm a total dumbass at drawing or art in general). i'm just trying to contribute where i can, that's all.
patriot_41, i'm glad to hear you find it somewhat useful at times.

keep it up with the awesome art!