Pay-Pal Sean..

It would be far too easy. Just photocopy some extra shares and we'll have a field day selling them to Sean, Lord Assface, and many other Inertplay forum denizens.

It really is unfortunate that it's against the law to take advantage of people with the equivalent intelligence of dirt. If we protect people too much, they get stupid.
I can't say I disaprove of Roshambo's hesitation. Hesitation is a bad word really, let's say total and utter uninterest in the very thought of the idea. I don't disaprove because I did the exact same thing when the idea of money funding Blender came along. Just check it up, many people know who "Macke" is in the blender community, especially Ton who owned Blender. Heck, he even blamed the failing of a software release on me (yeah, tacky subject).

Anyhows, as someone stated, the time to act is now. Not anytime later on. However, to do anything which remotely resemebles getting the license will require a lot of work. If you look at the Blender example, I'd say this idea is probably at least ten times worse, if not a hundred times. But why give up before the idea has even been pondered upon?

Granted, it might seem utterly useless, but who are you to actively put down someone's ideas just because they don't fit? If you don't aprove, just don't give a shit. I for one would definatly donate money for a cause like this (as long as it stays close source, except for perhaps the engine), just because that alone would throw a nail into the eye of Interplay and their "Nobody will pay for Fo3 on PC"-mentality.

Get it running and I'm on. But getting it running is definatly the hard part. Seeing first hand what it can be to actually buy up the rights to something in a similar fashion (no, I'm not talking Blender now) makes me hesitate to do anything but donate money. It's a lot of work, and if you're not at it for about 25 of your 24 hour day, it probably won't pay off.

Essentially, what I think is that the idea is a good one, go for it, but don't expect it to come anywhere close to being easy. If we didn't have goals and expectations to live up to, where would we be in this day and age?

Roshambo: Just putting an idea of like that tells me that you are probably one of the biggest followers to the statement: "Big mouth, no action."

It's very easy to say something, but infinately harder to show it -- you don't seem like a fallout fan to me. You seem like a lazy person who thinks bad mouthing people is quite a lot more worth the time than actually try to be constructive.
Look, macke. Honestly, if someone could find the time to start this thing up.. and show me the legal documentation connected with it. I would donate.. as it stands many of us have jobs that prevent us from giving this the ammount of attention it would take.

Then you have lawyers fees. How much of the donated money would go towards that?

Assuming we managed to collect enough money to purchase the Fallout licence for the PC. How much more would it take to get the Engine and all the work that was done thus far on the game?

I'm not wholely against the idea of fans donateing money to get the game produced. I just dont want to see interplay produce it now that they've effectively dissolved BIS and shelved the game. But at the same time, I dont make enough money to donate any ammount to any cause without some serious thought and proof of legal backing.

Rosh: Try not to tear him apart too much. You remember what it's like to be young and idealistic.
I am going to put the Popcorn on, I don't wanna miss seeing Rosh rip into this guy, can I get anyone anything whilst I'm out the room?

We could go into all sorts of reasons why the Paypal thing won't work, and some of us have...

lets see...

everyone who pays for the development of FO3 won't exactly feel like paying for the game when it comes out, thus defeating the purpose "I already paid for it, I ain't paying again"

Interplay would find some way to screw the money out of us, this is a given considering that a company bitching about no funds gave Hearve (sp?) a 6 figure pay or something, (look I read it on one of the message boards, might have been here, I don't know the full facts)

They are obviously run by some complete asshat of a boss who thinks for some reason the attitude of "I want to do this, so fuck you" will get him sales... what do I mean? FO:POS was not wanted from the word go... so instead of saving money there by not doing it, because it was his 'pet project to show he had a big penis' he fucked over the fans, shat on the concepts and 'feel' of Fallout and produced something that couldn't be more aimed at the frikken Eminem generation if you tried... and to do this, he fucked about with FO3's production, effectively sabotaging it so it would not be completed before they ran out of funs... yeah, good call there for a company in finaical trouble, jerk around with people and waste all that money on an ego trip...

So no, a paypal thing isn't a good idea, because it'll go nowhere and give a complete asshat a get out of bankruptcy clause, well not that he will go backrupt the amount of cash he's creamed off for himself... hey ho!
Elissar said:
Rosh: Try not to tear him apart too much. You remember what it's like to be young and idealistic.

I know. I am just giving what I would be thankful to receive if I were in such a...I'll be nice and say "naive state". I went to the School of Hard Knocks, having grown up with a drill sgt., grew up in Alaska, and went into the military myself.

School's in session.

macke said:
(Snip a whole lot of bullshit.)

Roshambo: Just putting an idea of like that tells me that you are probably one of the biggest followers to the statement: "Big mouth, no action."

That you have little sense of the value of the Fallout license, as well as the development costs not being ANYWHERE near $125k. A point which you've really not addressed at all when someone brought that up as a little notice to your rather irrelevant example.

Just your supporting an idea like this tells me that you are probably one of the biggest followers of the statement: "Big post, no thinking involved."

It's very easy to say something, but infinately harder to show it -- you don't seem like a fallout fan to me. You seem like a lazy person who thinks bad mouthing people is quite a lot more worth the time than actually try to be constructive.

And you seem to be an idiot who likes to type a lot and think very little before you do so. Remedy the problem, please.

Then again, you're suggesting that people give money to a company that has already pretty much demolished the PC aspect of the company, pissed off a good number of those employees, pissed off the fans of Interplay titles in general by releasing substandard titles in the past, been involved in lawsuits of a varied nature, has a "parent" company that operates like a fiscal lamprey, and which has pretty much pissed off the people who used to rimjob them at the drop of a hat, GameSpy.

You're a fucking moron!


Just looked up the word "Desillusioned" in the encyclopedia, next to it was a picture of you.

Okay, sorry for that lame sentence. All you said about IPLY may be true, I don't like their business decisions either. But just let me assume, that you REALLY want FO3, although you don't sound like it. What do you think has the biggest chance of reaching this goal?

1) Ranting about IPLY, satisfying your anger

2) Signing a petition

3) Raising money which could be used to getting the license, funding part of a team or advertising for our cause

None of this is a sure ticket to FO3, but I think option number 3 has the greatest chance of succeeding. Remember, if this would actually be set up, everyone would get his money if the project doesn't succeed, depending on the goal. So all you got to loose are some paypal fees. But it seems you are better off ranting than actually do something.
Bobbin said:

Just looked up the word "Desillusioned" in the encyclopedia, next to it was a picture of you.

I looked up "Dumbass" in the...hell, you know the rest.

What do you think has the biggest chance of reaching this goal?

Let's see. Which one REALLY does have some affect?

1) Ranting about IPLY, satisfying your anger

And it spreads the word that people are pissed at Interplay. It isn't needed, as Interplay is going downhill and media whores are taking potshots at them. After Interplay is a smoking crater, the licenses would likely go to someone else who is interested in it, hopefully Troika as it suits their method of gameplay. We all know that Fallout would be fucked in BioDisney's hands. No play evil for you!

Or, we could just wait for someone else to make a spiritual sequel to Fallout like Fallout was to Wasteland. Did you ever think of that possibility? Of course not, else you wouldn't make such naive statements.

2) Signing a petition

Online petitions are quite useless, and you'll notice I really don't care about them, nor post about them. It is ironic that you have a link to one in your .sig, however.

3) Raising money which could be used to getting the license, funding part of a team or advertising for our cause

Blissfully naive, to a fault. This is not just useless, but has the potential to get screwed over good.

None of this is a sure ticket to FO3, but I think option number 3 has the greatest chance of succeeding. Remember, if this would actually be set up, everyone would get his money if the project doesn't succeed, depending on the goal. So all you got to loose are some paypal fees.

Lawyer fees as well, which would be substantial, then accountant and other misc fees that will undoubtedly add up to a fair sum on their own.

Hell, kid, you've not even touched upon the fact that it would hardly be in the scope Sean projects. His lack of knowledge of game design seems contagious to some, and seemingly $100k can fund game development.

Maybe in the early 90's, but not today.

Then there's the fact that Interplay would likely have a substandard game made and shovel it out the door, or give it sparse attention, pocketing all the raised money as profit, along with whatever sales they hope to get from it a la F:POS. You children really need to start thinking before you start talking about the grown-up world. You're not thinking past the first piece's move, which is the mental ejaculation that if you pour money into something and there's a contract, it must be good since it will get you what you want!

Sure, but that's you and millions of other scammed/potential scam victim morons across the world. Thanks a fucking lot for polluting the gene pool.

But it seems you are better off ranting than actually do something.

At least you're doing something if you're throwing your money away. Brilliant fucking logic, kid. :roll:

As long as you're throwing money away, why don't you throw some to the people who could use it far better than yourself? Like mass murderers. We need more of them to control the idiot population.

Thank you for proving that you have piss-poor reading comprehension or you really didn't bother reading my last post. Either that, or you're too busy dry-humping the same lame argument over and over?
Raising money for a Fallout 3 makes about as much sense as saying Fo:BoS being succeful will bring forth Fallout 3.
we need a new icon for "Roshambo at work in this thread".

I think that i'll make one today... or at least a banner.
Macke doesn't even grasp the scope of this. Blender, whatever the hell that is, is nothing like the Fallout franchise. Blender is a game I doubt many people have heard of. Fallout is a beloved franchise that has touched countless thousands of people. Fallout=good. Blender=bad. Interplay=corporate whore. Blenderplay=kids in a basement.
Since when has game design become a worthwhile charity? Is this something you really want to promote?
Roshambo said:
*sigh* Kids.

I've got to agree with you, it just wont happen.
The only possible scenario where FO3 is even to be resurrected is on a corporate scale where a rich investor would see it is a good investment to acquire the rights from interplay/and or if the license was sold to another developer(Silver Style or Troika or whatever).
Still, it wouldn't be fallout 3 for real unless at least the majority of the powerful minds once found at Black Isle were hired on to the team, and that probably wont happen either.
But if you feel like it, go ahead I'm pro-fallout3 just like everyone else just don't get your hopes up, and don't get mad if you get 50% of your money stolen by paypals fees and the rest stolen by some lowlife scum.

Face it, if Interplay didn't anknowledge the fans one year, or two years or even three years ago in their positions then, they hardly will now. Not even if they get paid 200% to make the game will they, I mean come on - some of the former BIS members don't even *want* to work for Interplay because it is such a hypocracy of idiots.
Unlike Blender, Fallout 3 was never open sourced, and it's a lot more complicated than that, so I doubt anyone other than original designers/programmers would be able to finish the game. And even if someone gets the money (which isn't likely) to fund and IPLY-made Fallout 3, then who would do it? The FOBOS or BGDA team?

Because most of the Van Buren team already have new jobs.
Let's see, the strategy here is to wait, boycott Interplay in every possible and go on ranting forever.

"Maybe we will see a spiritual sequel to Fallout", "Maybe a big company picks this up", "Maybe Interplay goes down the drain"...

Okay, we do nothing. How long will IPLY survive? With all the cuts and BGDA2 and FOBOS getting money in this may be well another year. Or even longer regarding that IPLY is in financial struggles for years. No one will be interested in this license anymore in 1-2 years. It's like Wing Commander which is not even used or Ultima which is used in a very bad way. Here everyone likes to convince himself that IPLY is going down soon, the license gets available and Troika or Obsidian pick it up. Right, this obviously has to happen.

A lot of posts here with assumptions. And if anyone finally comes up with an idea he's being ranted on. What a great community.