"yeah we learned our lesson and have (allegedly) fixed X from Oblivion"
Speaking of which.. this has bothered me for quite a while. Time so spill some blood.
May I ask what is it exactly that Bethesda is still learning? Aren't they supposed to be a professional company? What are they now learning how to make games and we need to hold their hands through this?
How come Interplay didn't need to learn when they released Fallout which was the first game they worked on for many people there? And before some retard goes "oh, loak you think Falluot is prefect, lol youre fanboi!!111", I'm gonna say this: No, you fucking moron, I don't think it's perfect, but it certainly is close to that and even more so when compared with Bethesda's games. And don't even start about the bugs, whoever judges a game based on bugs should be shot. Plus, Bethesda's games have always been full of bugs too.
Anyway, I can understand when a small independent company like Basilisk games says they are learning and they'll improve their next game based on the feedback they received for their
first one. But Bethesda... they have quite a few games under their belt, don't they? So when exactly is Bethesda gonna sell a game and not only an attempt?
Of course, the
new Bethesda has only two games (soon three), but for each they said they learned from the previous one and they'll improve on that, And yet, each time what we saw were more mistakes, more failed attempts.
No, Bethesda doesn't learn, they don't want to learn and they don't need to learn.
Honestly, I don't really understand how Bethesda has come to get away with these poor excuses. But then again I don't understand how the postal service gets away with their excuses, neither do I understand
Keanu Reeves.
But they get away with it... they get away with selling half-games and it's probably because of the hype they generate and the modders. Which is why I hope they don't release an editor for Fallout 3. Maybe then people who stuff the games they buy with dozens of mods from the first playthrough will finally realize that Bethesda isn't able to create games. But I'm not getting my hopes too way up... stupidity may be just too big.
And Pete Hines can take so much advantage of that. Seriously, I believe this made should have the biggest payment at Bethesda because he's selling the games.
Oh, and let's not forget the media. Oh, the awesome media. You know, I still remember when journalists used to write their own articles and not simply copy/paste what the developers say. Because really that's what most articles are today, seasoned with bits of wisdom like "WOW, I CAN'T WAY TO PLAY THAT, IT WILL BE AWESOME".I remember when the journalists weren't all some fucking hippie-don't criticize-see the bright side drooling morons. Then you could have a hearty laugh when a poor game was trashed in a magazine, but now you could hurt the feelings of the developers who worked so hard on the game.
Yeah, Bethesda, keep telling people how hard you work while fat fucks like Ashley Cheng who don't do a thing all day (that's what producer means, really) spews random idiocies on the internet like "I WANNA STARCRAFT FPS".
Good one, Bethesda. Good one.