After an extensive demo, PC Gamer’s resident Fallout Geeks, Dan Stapleton discuss what they’ve just witnessed including their highest hops and deepest concerns for the upcoming game:
On VATS v. Turn-Based:
The VATS combat system looks great and retains the feel of the original Fallout Games.
Even though I’ve long considered myself in the “if it’s not turnbased it’s not Fallout camp,” I think Beth has come up with a fantastic compromise.
What makes me all warm and tingly is that they’ve kept location based shooting…
Dan: I'm very sad that they pared down the list of target-able areas to arms, legs, head and torso, and weapon, excluding the groin. How am I supposed to punch people in the junk now?
Thanks to Brother None for pointing out what I missed
On Adult Content:
Desslock: “They don’t seem to be shying away… The inhabitantants of the wastes are suitably profane and un-PC”
Dan: “…one of the things I appricated most about the original games… …if I wanted to I could kill anyone at any time…”
Okay so other then a homage to the original games and a brief reference to the profanity and un-PC qualities of the NPC’s no mention of concern about adult content: I guess child killing, prostitution, sex… in general were not part of the game for these self-proclaimed fallout geeks, as no mention is made of adult content beyond the gore and the gutter language.
Okay so Adult content is all roses and peaches… so how about… moral ambiguity and choice.
Desslock: …you have to make real choices…
Dan: …and yet your choices are
not black and white … They’ve delibritly added a third path for neutral players…
Well good to know the blow up a city or turn in the guy that wants to blow up the city isn’t balck and white… how’s that work again?
Anyways choice and moral ambiguity seem all warm and gooey… so do we have any deep concerns at all?
Dan: My
biggest concern is that society will have advanced too far… I’d hate to lose the sense of gradual advancement.
Desslock: I may have the opposite concern, that the world may feel too small
Dan: (Rebutting Desslock’s possible concern) I think it’s a good thing they are cutting back…
And finally… from Dan self-proclaimed Fallout Geek whose deepest concern is “society will have advanced too far” says…
The biggest danger I think, is the heads of thousands of fallout players around the world will go nuclear when they see how well Fallout 3 is shaping up.
Thanks Dan, but I believe your assessment of the fans reaction to Bethsoft’s Fallout effort is directly proportional to how far you’ve shoved your head into Todd’s oozing buttocks.
Oh and I noticed Desslock thought Harold will make a return… that is as good as a press release for me, I wonder who told him?
Edit for typo's / grammer / removed incorrect info.